05 - In Which We Discover Doors

After finishing the remaining Orcs we began to search the house. Peter took it as a good moment to claim a much needed shield from one of the corpses.   We notice that the Orcs all had the same emblem sewn into their clothing of a fist punching through a wall. I recognized the symbol as belonging to a tribe that had started up near Neverwinter for Orcs that had left their tribes or been kicked out, known as the Vendetta of Rejects.   Sahar, Peter, and myself went upstairs and ended up getting into another fight with some Orcs. We were quickly overwhelmed by the number and started retreating back down the stairs, before Sahar noticed that Orcs had moved from the rear stairs to surround us. We fought back up the stairs and took cover in a room off to the side. Peter began to smash through walls as Sahar and I moved to the ledge surrounding the house.   Sahar retrieved my daggers for me before returning to the ledge, and though we'd tried to motion to Peter that we were on the ledge he proceeded through the house, where he was dealt a vicious slash across his hamstrings, knocking him prone.   Sahar moved to the Orc who dropped Peter and dropped him in two quick attacks.   Sahar dropped from the roof and started to run towards the barn with the rest of our party to try and get help, as Peter finally fell back on to the ledge for me to heal, before grabbing me and jumping from the roof. Unfortunately for him he messed up the jump and landed flat. Fortunately for me I was able to flip and recover.   One of the Orcs attempted to jump after us and stumbled as well, and I managed to finish him off with two slashes from my shortswords.   Following after Peter and Sahar I started to retreat, dropping one of the other Orcs with my crossbow as I went. After regrouping we made our way back to the house, where I was boosted back to the ledge by Peter.   Sahar and Peter decided to examine the cellar, and made their way down while I perched up top keeping lookout.   They found a large human male tied in a chair with a burlap sack over his head, extremely bloodied. Pulling the sack off of his head they were able to identify him as Alfonse Kalazorn. Sending him off to the barn we started to move into position around the house.   I crept into the window with the sleeping Orc and stabbed him through the throat with my shortsword. We moved into the room and engaged the remaining Orcs, finally putting this house to rest.   After a night of rest we returned to the house with Big Al, who gave us butter skulls, and a box containing Mithril Chain that Peter claimed.   On the way back to Phandelin we once more spotted the dragon flying overhead, hunting near Conyberry this time.   The three days back are otherwise uneventful though.   Having some time to kill I decided to look for a clearing in the woods to start setting up a Shrine to Eilistraee. I also learned that there are no known entrances to the Underdark.   Sahar spent the time helping on the farm and playing with the kids. Debeid and Peter also spent some time hunting.   At the end of the fifth day our escort arrived in a coach wearing black trousers and a white puffy shirt tied at the wrists, with a black doublet over a muscular build with sandy brown hair. He introduced himself as Don-Jon Raskin.   He was sent by the Sword Coast Miners consortium out of Neverwinter.


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