07 - Orcward Encounter

Following our encounter with the undead we took a brief rest before continuing on our way to investigate the Orc infested ruins.   As we approach we saw a ruin standing in the middle of a vast field north of the rocky foothills of the Sword Mountains. An old stone temple with a belfry jutting from its peaked roof was enclosed by stone walls, many sections of which had collapsed. The trail ended at a crumbling gatehouse, the doors to which were sundered long ago. Three of the four towers that once stood at the corners of the outer walls had collapsed. Only the northeast tower remained, and a guard stood atop it.   Debeid, Ethel, and myself decided to attempt to sneak around and scout the camp come nightfall.   As we approach we are able to see that three of the four watch towers at the corner of the ruined square walls, which were about fifty to sixty feet across. Several spots along the wall were rubble, however the walls stood about fifteen feet tall.   In the center we can see the shrine standing forty feet tall, with two side sections with a lower roof.   Approaching from the west, which the wall was all rubble, we were able to spot at least thirteen Orcs, including the one on the watchtower. There were fires lit inside the walls at the Northeast and Southeast corners. I decided to leave the archers at the fallen wall and return to the group to catch them up.   Peter and Sahar attempted to approach the front to see if we could have a dialogue, but they immediately blew a warhorn upon spotting them and took to arms.   The fight broke out as the Orcs began pouring through a hole in the entryway. I snuck around through the side to see that apparently they had Ogre's too. Apparently that took a while and I missed some things, hopefully everyone is alright.   By the time I managed to get on top of the watch tower the fight had progressed below me. I fired a bolt and tore through the throat of one orc. From the looks of the bloodied enemies I had missed a lot of the fun though, maybe next time I should get a bigger head start to get into position.   Ethel was looking a bit beat up, but was entirely too far away from me. I managed to hit the closest Ogre to me as I climbed out onto the wall.   Ethel took another hit, and then another and was dropped. Peter stood over to guard her as Debeid started to fall back towards the ruins to get some range.   Sahar let off a quick combo dropping two of the Orcs. Peter, also in bad shape staggered away to down a healing potion.   As Sahar dropped another Orc he was finally caught himself, a powerful blow that left him reeling.   From my vantage at the top of the wall I am able to hear sounds from the northwest, where I can see another horde of zombies lumbering towards us. Behind those zombies appears to be a mage in red robes with a shaved head and chestnut skin. A Red Wizard. That's exactly what this day needed.


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