11 - Manse Manse Revolution

Something about Orcs? I don't know I was checked out last time, but here we are.   The group decided they wanted to try and talk to the Orcs before commiting to fight.   It was ten miles through the woods to the Orc's encampment. As we neared Debeid and I decided to scout ahead. We managed to come across a foggy clearing with a large house atop a six foot stone foundation, with a balcony above the entry. Pumpkins grew around the house, with boars roaming about. Scouting around the house we noticed small windows, two and a half feet by five feet with wooden shutters but no glass. Everything was covered in ivy.   Peter for some reason decided to bake them a pie? I've kinda given up on following but you know what, I was curious to see what happened. The pie received mixed results, due to being cooked with poison ivy, but luckily the goodberries that were included mostly smoothed that over.   The Half-Orc Peter was talking to started making his case to Peter that his people had been displaced by the Dragon and were moving into the woods where they found an abandoned house. They say that Falcon has been nothing but trouble and has been killing his people.   Peter decided to try and find a place for them amongst the Cragmaw, but we first had to travel down to deliver the wagon first. Stopping back and Falcon's we were able to convince him to not kill Orcs for a tenday so that we could secure a new place for him. He asked us to retrieve an object from the basement of the house once they were gone to prove they were gone.   The following morning we prepared to head out. After getting only a little lost we managed to find the Loggers Camp, having spotted another suspicious Boar in the woods. Older cabins in the camp were torn down.   We had to look around for Tibor to get him to sign the manifest. The camp appeared to be abandoned, and as we started exploring through the camp trying to find some sign we were attacked by a couple Ankheg. We hit the first a few times, with Peter laying a powerful blow that temporarily crippled the creature, however its allies began to spit acid on the rest of the group.


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