15 - Ice Skating Boar

Having dropped darkness around the enemies now in the thorny area on the ground most of them died before they even left the darkness. I dropped a moonbeam on the Orc caster as Sahar proceeded to fling a dart through it's jaw, causing it to struggle with casting. The fight was over before it began. I guess we should start using that strategy thing more.   Celebrating a bit early Debeid dropped the thorn spell, right before a crack of thunder sounded and in the middle of the clearing Gorthok, a rather large and angry looking Thunder Board, who happened to be a favored creature of Talos, appeared, fortunately landing in my Moonbeam and getting slightly singed, as Tivran ran up and attempted to attack Gorthok. It continued to resist the Moonbeam as the tusks hit Tivran's axe head, sending out a shockwave, as the entire circle got covered in ice. I guess it had taken more damage than anticipated between arrows and quarterstaff strikes, and I wasted an upcasted guiding bolt, melting part of the Boars face away as it dropped.   We discovered a few entrances under the mound and started to explore the tunnels, in which Peter finally managed to find a Shield. Only encountering two boar through the tunnels we eventually made our way back to the top of the hillock to prepare a camp. Noticing Peter was removing the symbols of Talos and adding his own deity to one of the pillars I decided to do the same with the symbol of Eilistraee.   In the morning we travelled back to Phandalin. As we ran errands in town I made my way to the shrine, where I ended up having a conversation with a talking sword in my head. That was weird. Okay that wasn't the weirdest thing of the day. When doing my nightly prayer dance at the shrine an avatar of Eilistraee appeared before me and told me that Mechanus was looking to replace my fate with that of my brothers. So I guess I shall soon have to hunt for Dy'ren.


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