16 - Axeholm Part 1

The trip to Axeholm was dreary and wet. We arrived to see the large gate with an iron portcullis, covered in rust. The arrow slits appeared to be dark, and no sign of occupation could be seen.   Sahar was sent into one of the arrow slits as he was the only one that could fit. Climbing up the stairwell he managed to find a wench to raise the gate, creating a loud grinding sound as we clambered under it.   We proceeded down the corridor with Sahars help opening doors. The stench grew more powerful as we proceeded before reaching the throne room. Sahar saw a leg sticking out from the throne, before leaning around and coming face to face with a large ghoul, that didn't last long against Peter and Sahar.   More ghouls poured through the east side of the room as the first fell. I managed to get up to them and cast Word of Radiance, before I got caught by a claw and was paralyzed. At least I make a beautiful statue.   After the fight, and having been dragged behind the throne for protection, I spotted a gold ring on the large ghouls hand, showing him to have been a castellan, bearing the symbol of axeholm.   We went up the stairs, where we ended up in another encounter, this time with an elven ghost after Peter had the audacity to once again attempt to parley.   Finding a secret room with some stirges I discovered a chest with an indent that the ring fit. Opening the chest revealed a helm and some gauntlets, which Peter put on without hesitation. What could go wrong I guess.   Heading down the stairs we could hear hissing, and encountered... more ghouls. Man that place was crowded.   Entering back into the courtyard I got bored of walking room to room and decided to use the wand of pyrotechnics, calling the rest of the mobs to us. Turns out there were a lot, but that's okay. We made it through and Peter only mostly died.


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