Artus Cimber Character in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil

Artus Cimber

A former member of the Harpers, Artus Cimber is the keeper of the Ring of Winter. He found the ring in the jungles of Chult, where he also met his wife, Alisanda. The ring halts its wearer’s natural aging and has allowed Artus to survive well beyond his natural lifespan. The ring also defies magical attempts to divine its location and that of its wearer. On his fingers above the knuckles, Artus has tattooed the names of his dearly departed animal companions—a pair of talking wombats named Byrt and Lugg.   Artus has spent most of his life trying to keep the Ring of Winter out of evil hands, but his return to Chult is focused on reuniting with his beloved Alisanda, who disappeared along with the city of Mezro during the Spellplague. No longer content to wait for Alisanda and Mezro to return on their own, Artus has been seeking the means to bring them back. He believes that Saja N’baza, an ancient guardian naga, can help him. As such, his search has been focused on locating the ruins of Orolunga, where the naga is said to dwell. Fate has handed Artus a saurial traveling companion named Dragonbait, whom he met in Port Nyanzaru. The two are always on the move. Consequently, their location in the adventure is randomly determined.   Artus had never been to Omu, and he had no idea where the city was. However, he has a powerful artifact in his possession and a good heart. Once The Party explained to him why they’ve come to Chult, Artus put aside his personal quest and offered to help them find Omu and destroy the Soulmonger.   The first time a situation forced Artus to use the Ring of Winter, he warned The Party that evil forces are after the ring and that his presence in the party might put them in danger.   Artus Cimber’s Traits   Ideal. “The preservation of knowledge and history is important to me.”   Bond. “I long to be reunited with my wife, Alisanda.”   Flaw. “I am slow to trust strangers—adventurers in particular.”   His stat block is in ToA.
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