Dragonbait Character in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil


Dragonbait's Scents and their Meanings:   Baked bread -- Anger   Brimstone -- Confusion   Ham -- Nervousness or worry   Honeysuckle -- Tenderness   Lemons -- Pleasure or joy   Roses -- Sadness   Tar -- Victory   Violets -- Danger or fear   Wood smoke -- Devotion or piety   Dragonbait is a champion of good and a saurial—a race that originated on a distant world and whose members have long lives. Very few saurials dwell in the Forgotten Realms, and no saurial communities are believed to exist anywhere in the world.   The saurial’s language is a combination of clicks and whistles beyond the human range of hearing, so Dragonbait tends to rely on scents to communicate emotions. To be understood by most speaking creatures, he must “shout” a scent. Dragonbait’s known scents include: brimstone (confusion), roses (sadness), lemon (pleasure or joy), baked bread (anger), violets (danger or fear), honeysuckle (tenderness or concern), wood smoke (devotion or piety), tar (victory or celebration), and ham (nervousness or worry).   Dragonbait stands 4 feet 10 inches tall, weighs 150 pounds, and has a dry, wrinkled hide. He wields a holy avenger longsword and carries a blue, red, and white shield. Though he has traits in common with paladins, Dragonbait isn’t a member of any class. Using an ability known as the Shen-state, he can determine the alignment of any creature within 60 feet of him.   An Unexpected Friendship. Dragonbait met Artus Cimber in Port Nyanzaru, and the two became fast friends. As Artus spoke of his quest to reunite with his wife, Alisanda, he was comforted by Dragonbait’s quiet manner and unusual methods of communication. With a smile and a nod, Dragonbait agreed to help Artus. A frequent visitor to Chult, the saurial understood the dangers of the jungle all too well.   Dragonbait has never been to Omu and doesn’t know where the city is located. Once The Party convinced Artus Cimber to help them destroy the Soulmonger, Dragonbait decided to help as well.   Dragonbait’s Traits   Ideal. Dragonbait emits a lemon scent while thinking about exploring the world, seeing its many wonders, and helping others along the way. (Translation: He has the heart of an explorer.)   Bond. Dragonbait gives off the scent of wood smoke while doing things to aid a friend’s quest. (Translation: He would do anything for a friend.)   Flaw. Dragonbait “shouts” the scent of ham while going where others fear to tread. (Translation: He will hurl himself into danger no matter how frightening.)
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