King Queveshenk Horsebasher

Goblin Bear Totem Barbarian   Age: 11 years   Height: 3'   Weight: 40 lbs.   Eyes: Black   Size: Small   Faith: Maglubiyet   Hair: Black   Skin: Olive Green   Qeveshenk was raised in the Cragmaw tribes to be a warrior, subservient to King Grol in service to Maglubiyet. However, he's always been a little outside of the typical "expected norms" for a goblin.   Having a softer side for his tribes-kin and immediate family (wife & daughter), he generally stays away from the typical tribal politics and behaviours, preferring to act as a hunter-gatherer for the tribe. Thus he can be closer to nature and his true nature. Which he prefers after having found a certain measure of serenity in the wilds. This has caused him to begin questioning his devotion to Maglubiyet.   Although Qeveshenk is abnormally mild-mannered (for a goblin), he lets his ferocity loose when those he cares for are in danger.   The first time this was shown, a small hunting party had returned to their camp with several baskets of badgers & fish they had trapped and caught. As dusk convened, a loud rustling in the underbrush alerted the group to the presence of an approaching creature. As the trio prepared themselves and gathered arms, a famished cave bear emerged from the brush in hopes of a meal. Defending themselves and their catch, one of Qeveshenk's allies was mortally wounded which drove him into a rage. The two remaining goblins were able to beat back the foe, but at the cost of their fellow tribes-kin.   Qeveshenk mistrusts King Grol's alliance with The Black Spider and personally feels that the tribes of Cragmaw would fare better off disassociating from him. However, he is still fearful of his liege's reign and loosely adhere's to the culture more out of that fear than out of respect. Especially where it concerns his families' well-being.   Though he would not voice these thoughts/feelings. Not even to his wife, as she does not share his "good" natured tendencies and believes that the union between the Cragmaw and the Black Spider will bring unprecedented fortunes to the tribes.

This article has no secrets.