
Kwayothé (NE female Chultan human priest wearing a ring of fire resistance) is calm and contemplative in a way that's vaguely menacing. She worships the fire god Kossuth (pronounced kaw-SOOTH) and likes torturing others, particularly if it involves fire and hot coals. Kwayothé has two consorts—a beautiful woman named Ixis and an attractive man named Indar.   Kwayothé grew up in the streets of Port Nyanzaru, poor and destitute. She despises nobility and wants to destroy every last vestige of the Chultan royal families. She considers Zhanthi her mortal enemy and has grown impatient waiting for the old noblewoman to die. Although she hides her contempt well, Kwayothé is forever meddling in Zhanthi's business and family affairs. If Zhanthi is aware of Kwayothé's hostility toward her and her family, she's elected not to show it.   Kwayothé employs traders who make their own tej and insect repellent.