Musharib Character in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil


Musharib is the leader of the Hrakhamar Alliance, and the rightful heir to Hrakhamar itself. 4 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 140 pounds. He carries a wooden maul named Skullbash. His armor is fashioned from the spatulate bones of dinosaurs, and it's gashed and scarred by weapons, claws, and teeth.   The jungle is Musharib's home, and he knows it well. He once served as a guide to "The Party", until they assisted him in reclaiming his ancestral forge, Hrakhamar. He now finds himself commanding the Vinecutter clan, the Wyrmheart Deep Gnomes, and even a few kobolds who look to him for leadership, having renounced their faith in the red dragon Tinder.   Now, as forgemaster of Hrakhamar, Musharib devouts all of his resources to driving back the forces of evil in Chult. To this aim, he oversees the production of the finest combat and adventuring gear in all of Chult. Musharib's recent success has caught the attention of Wakanga O' Tamu and the other merchant princes of Port Nyanzaru, who implore Musharib to join their council and become a merchant prince himself.
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations