Phobos Diolkos Character in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil

Phobos Diolkos

Originally living in the hills not too far from the halls that the Dwarven Clan Stonewind called home, Phobos and the rest of Clan Diolkos spent much time in the company of Dwarves and Gnomes alike, firmly committed to the idea that your family isn't just who you're related to by blood. He's known for causing more mayhem than most his age when things were otherwise going well, but he made up for it by being resourceful in times of crisis (or at least putting any volatile projects on hold until after things had settled down). He was particularly fond of his various Nieces and Nephews regardless of their ancestry, and "Uncle Phobos" was a name that was notorious among them due to the many incidents he was involved in that, while entertaining for everyone involved at the time, are not usually looked back upon fondly by anyone who had to help pick up all the rubble afterwards.   Like most Gnomes he had a knack for tinkering and invention. Like most Gnomes these often resulted in explosions. Unlike most Gnomes the explosions were usually the goal of whatever he was crafting, not the unfortunate side effect or accident it usually is. As a result of cleaning up his own messes time after time he learned how to quickly, if sometimes imperfectly, repair a wide assortment of items and structures. During an attack on clan Diolkos by Goblins when he was in his 70s he proved his worth through the application of crude arcane artillery, after which an artificer who was travelling through the area on a journey to collect specific materials asked him if he wanted to come be his apprentice in Lantan. Everyone in clan Diolkos urged him to accept, some out of pride for a member of their relatively unknown clan of country gnomes to study at one of the esteemed universities in Lantan and some out of a strong desire to get Phobos to cause collateral damage elsewhere. He knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and was quick to accept it, but only on the condition that he be able to come back home every now and then to spend time with family.   Phobos was pretty happy with the arrangement, while he was quick to get homesick knowing that his Clan wanted him to do well here and that he'd get to see them again before too long kept him going. But on his latest trip home, the last one before he formally finished his apprenticeship and would be looking to take on an apprentice of his own, he came home to tales of death and sorrow in Clan Stonewind. Floored by the news he asked who did this, and after some discussion the fact that his nephew Guldor was hunting down the person responsible he set out to go join him both to aid him in his quest and to make sure one of his few remaining nephews made it back alive. Besides, he was pretty sure that Guldor could use some cheering up and a visit from his Uncle Phobos should be just the thing.

Character Portrait image: Gnome Artificer by Francell Garrote


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