The Twostie Sailor Vehicle in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil

The Twostie Sailor

Manned by a crew of former pirates who are lead by Naumia BrightSmasher Ganu-Migo and her right-hand-man, Voltan. With a Figurehead of Prowess depicting the might dragon turtle Arameg mounted on their ship, The Twostie sailor, this crew enjoys the mighty dragon turtle's protection as they fulfill the most dangerous of contracts between Chult and the Sword Coast. Their ranks consist mostly of reformed thugs and bandits, with a few noteable exceptions.   The Twostie Sailor started generating 3g per day wealth for The Party starting the 1st of Flamerule.  

The Twostie Sailor



Sailing Ship

Speed 3 mph
Crew 10
Passengers 10
Cargo 20
AC 18
HP 300
Damage Threshold 13
Figurehead of Prowess Kraken
Crew. A ship needs a crew of skilled hirelings to function. As per the Player’s Handbook, one skilled hireling costs at least 2 gp per day. The minimum number of skilled hirelings needed to crew a ship depends on the type of vessel, as shown in the Airborne and Waterborne Vehicles table.   You can track the loyalty of individual crew members or the crew as a whole using the optional loyalty rules in chapter 4 of the DMG. If at least half the crew becomes disloyal during a voyage, the crew turns hostile and stages a mutiny. If the ship is berthed, disloyal crew members leave the ship and never return.   Passengers. The table indicates the number of Small and Medium passengers the ship can accommodate. Accommodations consist of shared hammocks in tight quarters. A ship outfitted with private accommodations can carry one-fifth as many passengers.   A passenger is usually expected to pay 5 sp per day for a hammock, but prices can vary from ship to ship. A small private cabin usually costs 2 gp per day.   Cargo. The table indicates the maximum tonnage each kind of ship can carry.   Damage Threshold. A ship has immunity to all damage unless it takes an amount of damage equal to or greater than its damage threshold, in which case it takes damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or exceed the damage threshold is considered superficial and doesn’t reduce the ship’s hit points.   Ship Repair. Repairs to a damaged ship can be made while the vessel is berthed. Repairing 1 hit point of damage requires 1 day and costs 20 gp for materials and labor.





Large object   Hit Points: 50   AC: 15   Damage Immunities: poison, psychic   Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit

A ballista is a massive crossbow that fires heavy bolts. Before it can be fired, it must be loaded and aimed. It takes one action to load the weapon, one action to aim it, and one action to fire it.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Ranged 3d10 Piercing 120/480 ft

Weight: 100 lbs

Owning Organization
3 mph
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
10 passengers / 20 tons of cargo