Mana Poisoning

Mana Poisoning can, in a manner similar to alcohol poisoning, have short-lived effects in minor doses but lead to organ degeneration and eventual death in either particularly intense acute doses or with chronic doses.


Mana Poisoning is caused by a magic-user channelling more mana than their body has adapted to handle; the exact amount varies slightly between users depending on their constitution, willpower, and experience, but each will be aware of a safe amount of magic casting to do within a period. While acute poisoning can occur due to a slight level of overreach, magic users can incur chronic and terminal levels of poisoning if they do this too regularly or to too great an extent in a short period.


Symptoms can vary at all stages of Mana Poisoning slightly depending on the mana-influence of the mana involved, but this is usually on a physical and superficial level and are the most obvious warning sign of an onset of Mana Poisoning. For example, Wildspinners might have a green colouration spreading through their veins and have their vomit include plants, whereas a thaumaturge using lightning spells might burn their skin in the shape of lichtenberg scars.

Early/Acute Symptoms

  • Temporary Physical Appearance changes
  • Dizziness and shaking
  • Uncontrollable vomiting
  • Weariness
  • Fainting

Mid/Heavy Acute Symptoms

  • Physical appearance scarring
  • Brief seizures
  • Extended periods of fatigue and nausea
  • Bouts of unconsciousness
  • Struggling with usual physical activity

Late Symptoms:

  • Opening of wounds on the skin where there was scarring
  • Lengthy seizures 
  • Diminishing vision or hearing
  • Fatigue and increased sleep
  • Trouble holding down food
  • Fevers 
  • Struggling with minor physical activity 
  • Organ degeneration
  • Eventual death
Progression of symptoms can vary depending on the level of Mana Poisoning present. For a magic user who uses an extreme amount of magic in a matter of hours, there is the possibility of moving through Early-Stage to Late-Stage and death within hours after first starting to present Early-Stage symptoms. For those who have developed chronic due to multiple instances of acute poisoning, this progression can take up to five years, even as far as ten in exceptionally well-managed situations.


Treatment is invariably of the symptoms, as little can be done about the cause, there being no known ways of removing existing mana from a body it is bound to. Especially strong and specialised magical healers are capable of halting the progression of Mana Poisoning and suppress the symptoms, but not reversing it. Traditional medicinal cures for symptoms such as nausea and fevers, despite being caused by mana, are able to hold them in check. For those dealing with acute poisoning, they must use minimal or no magic for at least two days before returning to their usual volume, but those with chronic poisoning are advised to not use magic ever again in order to reduce the progression as much as possible.


If Mana Poisoning only occurs in a relatively minor way on few, spaced out occasions, then the magic-user will only have to contend with short-lived, early-onset symptoms but won’t have done enough damage to their mana regulation to start dealing with chronic degeneration. However, by its very nature it’s hard to tell if you’ve tipped the scales into chronic poisoning until it's too late. Once afflicted with Chronic Mana Poisoning it is usually fatal within a matter of years, though there are instances where people have survived far longer than expected.


The way to prevent Mana Poisoning is objectively obvious, to only use a level of magic that the body is capable of handling. The difficulty lies in trying to apply that logic in emergency situations, especially where people the magic user cares about are the ones in danger. The knowledge that there is a certain amount of Mana Poisoning that can be weathered without serious long-term effect also leads people to chance their arm and risk an incident or two of Mana Poisoning for a short-term advantage in a situation.


Tales of mana poisoning have been around for ages, with there being many tales of early magic users who didn't know what their limits were and cast incredibly powerful magic only to drop dead on the spot. The first confirmed case in records was twelve years post First Sundering, when a magic-user who gained the capability due to mana radiation starting to deteriorate in health a few years after first casting magic. Since then, understanding of Mana Poisoning has improved and it is now a well-understood condition that new magic-users are warned of.

Cultural Reception

Generally, people are respectful towards those afflicted with mana poisoning. While it can be a sign of recklessness and stupidity it's more seen as a consequence of bravery and devotion. It's the same level of respect for those who have physical injuries from battle, but with mana poisoning the scarring tends to make it very obvious that those were the circumstances the injuries came from, whereas physical injuries can be more ambiguous.
Chronic, Acquired