Time Cipher
"Excuse me, do you have the time?"Used by the Keepers of Time, the Time Cipher is one of the best kept secrets of Tosormi, only after the Keepers themself. The cipher can be used in two main ways: with pocket watches or drawings of clocks. The Keepers then use their private pocket watches as the key to the cipher. Every meeting they set their own pocket watches so that they are offset from the real time by a set amount of time; this offset is the key until the next meeting. When sending a ciphered message, they include a watch or a drawing of a clock set at a certain time. The message is then deciphered by comparing the time on the watch or drawing to their own watch. Using an actual watch for sending the message means you can send more complex messages, as the watch can, apart from going at the right pace, also be set to go faster or slower than real time, while drawings are static.
"Why yes, of course. Here."
"But this watch has stopped!"
"Oh, excuse me. This was meant for someone else."
A message can be given with several different variables that need to be interpreted. If the message is a watch, the speed of the watch is the first thing to be interpreted. Second, the movement of the hands are examined, as any or none of the three hands can be fixed. Thirdly, the offset in comparison to the key is determined. The combination of these variables result in a message the Keeper can interpret. With drawings, only the time shown in the drawing can be interpreted.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild
Great idea for a cipher!
Thank you <3