Avians are birdfolk of Totania, said to be an offshoot of Korvians, though biologically speaking it is instead a more broad term for all sapient bird people, of which Korvians are an offshoot.
Avian and Korvian Differences
For the most part, when discussing Avians and Korvians in the modern age, since the construction of the Korvian City, the difference has come down to where someone is born. In modern definitions, Korvians are born in the Korvian City, while Avians are born in the lands that Korvians have designated for them. This was not always the case. Long ago, Korvians and Avians lived together in small clusters, villages in the plains of Udai. They were all considered Ornithurae, with little difference between the two. Back then, the word Avian simply made the distinction of who was able to "aviate" or fly. Therefore, Avians had wings while Korvians were simply those who did not have wings. There is contention between scholars and historians on the effects of this. There are those who say that the chiding between Avians and Korvians about this was in good fun, while others say it is far more serious in its harm on the Korvian population than that, which therefore led to Avians being oppressed by Korvians in the long term. The consensus that many have come to with these ancient classifications was that Korvians were treated differently for having no wings. Avians had the ability to rise up and therefore used that to push those that didn't down. Then, when Korvians had the same opportunity with the Korvian Abilities, which could have been shared to create an equal society, they instead used it to push down Avians, taking their place instead of intending to make a better society. A Draconian scholar gave a pessimistic take on the situation, saying:"The Korvians and Avians are the same. When it all began, they could have stayed that way, but Avians took it upon themselves to use what they had to get ahead. Why should the Korvians not have done the same? What benefit would they have to make themselves equal if Avians had refused to do so when in the same position?"Other scholars will say that it should not be about benefit, but instead about caring for ones fellow man. Few can agree, and it is a touchy subject in academia and politics, for many fear upsetting the Korvians, a powerful nation.