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Louder and Prouder

Prouder was always different. She was born different, with a more orange-y pigment to her feathers. Not to mention, she was born a man. That was not who she was anymore, no, instead she had become Prouder. A name she was given for just being who she was.
Prouder by Jarhed
  In Korvian culture, one was always meant to dress and look as authentically themselves as they could. How they were born mattered little, unless you were born a noble. Then, it mattered that you were a noble. Aside from that, you were free to be whatever you wished to be.   Prouder, however, found that there was no real way to make this too well known. Some people adressed her with her proper pronouns, while others simply didn't know until she told them, and even then some either forgot or refused. With no clear way to get this known, it was difficult to always stay proud of herself. Because often, people didn't acknowledge her new, true self.   That was when she met another Korvian. A man named Louder. He was always very vocal with being who he was, though it was not being a man. He had always been one. It was that he was attracted only to men. Homosexual.   Louder and Prouder became friends, Prouder herself also being homosexual. She liked women, and she and Louder bonded over this fact. Yet with Prouder's pride and Louder's outspoken nature, it was still not clear to everyone that they were not as society necessarily expected of them. Not that being heterosexual was the norm, but rather that it was the expectation, to have eggs that hatch into little Korvians you could raise with your spouse of an opposite gender was what was always taught.   Prouder and Louder devised a scheme, then. A way to not only make their identities known, but to get them in people's faces. To make it so society would not only have to acknowledge who they were, but teach it. So that every person who felt different could instead feel proud. So that one day, the norm would not be just the majority, but the norm would be whatever people were. The norm would not be exclusive.   Prouder was an artist at heart. She had made many paintings, and this was for sure her masterpiece. The first flag she made was for Louder, a rainbow. One that represented every aspect of a proud life. One that would not just stand for gay men, though it would stand for that too. One that stood for all peoples who needed pride in their identities, orientations, and alignments.  
Louder by Jarhed
Louder paraded the streets with his flag. Soon enough, a crowd joined him. A full parade, which continues on every year in the The Korvian City on the same day it started, the Fifth Day of the sixth month, the Month of Festivals. Pride Day.   Prouder came out carrying more flags halfway through the parade, when Louder was getting tired. These flags represented her identity, as Trans and Lesbian. She then, as the parade continued, was brought onto a float, where she was asked by people of all sorts of identities to make more flags for them. Nonbinary, bisexual,asexual, pansexual, genderfluid, agender, aromantic, and so much more. From then on, pride would be embraced.   Louder and Prouder, by the end of the parade, marched together at the front, with an armada of flags carried by all sorts of people behind them. When the parade ended, Louder went home with a man he met. Prouder, all the while, had been slipped a note. To meet with a woman named Flirter at a cafe the next day. When that day came, the two hit it off.   It is unlikely they were the first couple of the same sex to marry, but Prouder and Flirter are the first documented. On the 5th day of the Month of Festivals, -968, a year after the first parade, they married at the second annual Pride Parade, atop a float surrounded by allies and those just like them. Prouder, on that day, and for the rest of her life, was proud of who she was. And she was proud of the world.

Cover image: Totania: Proud by Jarhed


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