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Modan Freedom Fighters

Liberty's Last Line of Defense

The Modan Freedom Fighters are a group of revolutionaries, an offshoot of the Army of the Revolution, created to fight tyranny in the continent of Udai.  

The Army of the Revolution's Secondary Branch

Morendyn Cobath by Jarhed
The Army of the Revolution was founded by Fepar Tilrak, Ildid Tilrak, Ordoth Mardaar, and Phund Monet. After it was created, they sent out the Revolutionary Proclamation, calling for others to join their battle against the tyranny of the World Court.   Morendyn and Nhilace Cobath were the first to heed the call, knowing the Tilraks (particularly Fepar, the man famously known as the Guardian of Peace) well from previous interactions during wars when they had been hired as mercenaries.
"We were the first two to join up, we had to. You can never deny the Guardian of Peace when he asks you to fight for the future of the world."
— Nhilace Cobath
For a time, as the Army was growing in its initial stages, Nhilace was a trusted part of Fepar's inner circle, while Morendyn was not trusted with much authority at all. He was a reckless soldier who got ahead of himself too often, even if his plans worked wonders more often than not.  
Nhilace Cobath by Jarhed

Modan Beginnings

When the army grew in size, Fepar decided they were focusing too much on their home continent of Elone. While it was the home of the World Court, they needed the support of the rest of the world, and so he sent Nhilace and Morendyn to Udai, entrusting leadership to his friend Nhilace.   Here, they recruited an Orc by the name of Bhukk the Studious, among others, and set up a base deep underground on the Modan Peninsula, beginning their work of recruiting rebels not just to stop the World Court, but also to resist the rule of the new Korvian King, Tyrant. If he was not stopped, he could quickly take over the world.  

A Living Bomb

During a reconnaissance mission, Morendyn discovered that a large part of the village they were scouting was on fire. At its center, a young Devil girl roamed, setting everything ablaze, calling out for the World Court.

Known Members

As an underground organization, not many of the members of the Modan Freedom Fighters are public knowledge. Still, the records of the Army of the Revolution's first leader, Fepar Tilrak, reveal the members he knew about.   Most members used codenames, as Fepar did not want to list the real names of all involved revolutionaries.   Still, there were four that were easily decipherable. The faces of the Modan Freedom Fighters.
  • Nhilace Cobath- The original leader of the Modan Freedom Fighters, a Dark Elven former mercenary with a brilliant tactical mind.
  • Morendyn Cobath- The second leader of the Modan Freedom Fighters, a fellow Dark Elf and Nhilace's husband, and the muscle of the army as both a former mercenary and an Ace.
  • Anarchy- The final leader of the Modan Freedom Fighters, a Devil hellbent on destroying the World Court, she was taken in by the Cobaths and raised as their own.
  • Bhukk the Studious- The scholar of the Modan Freedom Fighters, who studies the forms of scholarship throughout the world, and the son of the great Orcish hero Zork.
Their codenames were, in order, "Half & Half" "Ace in the Hole" "Ticking Timebomb" and "Bookworm" in that order.   Other codenames included "High Tide" "Stormcloud" "Shield of Phrixus" and "King Cobra." Who these could be is unknown, as it is a mystery who else was in the organization. A closely guarded secret, and most of the members are said to have died before the Modan Freedom Fighters gained prominence in the fight for freedom.
At first, Morendyn tried to reason with the girl, but she would not listen. Rage had consumed her, and she would not believe him when he said that the World Court was elsewhere. He told her to come with him, but she insisted on going to find the World Court, and so he had to stop her.
Anarchy by Jarhed
  Using all of his might to restrain her, he sustained injuries, but was able to bring the girl to their base. She had no name, so the Cobaths took her in and let her choose her name. Her greatest desire: Anarchy.   The core warriors of the Modan Freedom Fighters had now been gathered, as they convinced Anarchy that she could kill the World Court by working with them. After that, she became their secret weapon, one they were afraid to utilize. She was too powerful and didn't know how to control her powers, and Bhukk's knowledge didn't help the rash devil. So the Cobaths trained both her and Bhukk to be better warriors.  

A New Revolution

Nhilace Cobath went east, heading to the Abral Islands to gain the support of the Kamejin, who isolate themselves from the influence of the World Court. However, she vanished in the archipelago.   The role of leader was then left to Morendyn Cobath, her husband. Fepar had not considered him capable of such a position, but Morendyn knew he had to step into Nhilace's shoes. As leader, he made many missteps, sacrificing many of his soldiers for small victories, but for the most part he tried to do just as Nhilace had done.   Ultimately, he grew into a very capable leader, but by the time he was, the only remaining Modan Freedom Fighters were himself, Bhukk the Studious, and Anarchy. Hardly an army that could win against the World Court or Tyrant. The Modan Freedom Fighters needed a miracle.  

To Overthrow a Tyrant

Bhukk the Studious by Jarhed
A ship crashed on the shore of the Modan Peninsula, carrying Fepar's replacement as Marshal of the Revolution, his adopted son Shatt Gunn, as well as his allies Vodron Nutsk, Trickery, Ha Kyung, and CH-3F.   Tyrant had grown in power and, if he was not taken out within a few months, he would have the power to destroy the world. Due to this, the Modan Freedom Fighters had to act fast, and they needed the support of these new rebels to take down the Korvian King.   This new group worked alongside the Modan Freedom Fighters, as representatives of the main Army of the Revolution's new leadership. Morendyn projected his own feelings of insecurity, how Fepar did not trust him to lead, onto Fepar's new replacement, testing Shatt and saying he did not trust Shatt as a leader. As they traveled Udai, Morendyn challenged Shatt and gave him various tests to fulfill to prove himself as a leader.   On their way to the Hall of the Mountain King, they recruited many others to assist them, and finally, with help from other allies of Shatt Gunn that had traveled from all over the world to meet them, they took down Tyrant.   Here, Morendyn discovered that Nhilace had been held captive in the Abral Islands, but was freed by Fepar's trueborn son, Nalrik Tilrak. Reunited, Morendyn decided to spend time with her and help Shatt Gunn as his right-hand man in what may potentially be the final days of the world, passing on leadership to Anarchy, who had stepped up as one of the major figures in the battle against Tyrant.  

Anarchy's Freedom Fighters

Under Anarchy, the Modan Freedom Fighters helped found the town of Modan on the site of their former headquarters, then becoming a group that helped to protect the town and its people from dangers. Modan was meant to be a safe haven for those that cannot fight for themselves, and the Modan Freedom Fighters seemed perfectly tailored to help with this.   Anarchy went elsewhere to aid her friend, Trickery, helping to prepare the world and her soldiers for the coming attack on Stallbourne to take down the World Court while also growing into her position as leader, one that she was worried she may not be prepared for.   The attack was coming soon, and Anarchy was worried that she may not have what it takes to lead the Freedom Fighters.  

Invasion of Stallbourne

The Modan Freedom Fighters, led by Anarchy, made up a large portion of the army that invaded the World Court's home of Stallbourne. Anarchy, Bhukk, and the Cobaths alongside the soldiers they had recruited in Udai after Shatt Gunn's arrival helped take down the World Court and rebuild it anew.   Anarchy was one of the dissenting voices against rebuilding the World Court under better and more modern guiding principles, but she was outvoted.  

After the Court

Once this was completed, the Modan Freedom Fighters split off into two organizations: the Modan Guard and the Modan Social Workers. The first were those dedicated to protecting the city of Modan, guarding its people. The second were meant to help with less violent projects, assisting the people in making Modan, and all of Udai, a better and more liveable place.   The dream of freedom for Udai is still far from a reality, even without Tyrant and with a new, better World Court, but the Modan Freedom Fighters live on in ways beyond what they were founded for, helping Udai as they always have.


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