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Mortalitatis Finis

Mortalitatis Finis, or the End of Mortality, is a disease that is the result of the spell of the same name, made by Qelbor Vammush, the ninth Grand Wizard of the Draconians.  

The Disease

Mortalitatis Finis was not a naturally occuring disease, but it was made by Qelbor Vammush after intense study of naturally occuring bacterial infections and viruses. From this, Vammush made something that would naturally enter the body like any other bacteria, but in a way that the body could not fight back against.  


The effects of Mortalitatis Finis were quick, with the immediate feeling of drowsiness overtaking a host. The disease latched onto the natural mana, using the same process as the spell itself was made with, turning the mana into bacterial cells carrying the disease, spreading the disease rapidly and draining the body of the mana it used and needed to live.   What this meant was that it did not work very well on those with little mana. Non-mages would get a small cold, while those that regularly used magic died in mere minutes. The longest someone lived with Mortalitatis Finis was an hour, before they keeled over.   A body fully overtaken by Mortalitatis Finis would shirvel up, lacking the needed nutrients to survive, as the bodies of mages needed the magic to live after growing dependent on the magic they had used up until that point.   Mortalitatis Finis was not contagious, and could not be spread by any means but the spell.  

The Spell

The spell's true name was Mortalitatis Finis, after the disease itself, but most did not wish to call it that, and for this reason it was known instead by the simple name of "Plague." After all, its greatest effect was a plague, so it described it quickly and simply to those that many not know the Draconian language.   It was a single-target spell, and since Mortalitatis Finis did not spread by contact or via the air, the disease would only effect the person hit by the spell.  

Dragon's Doom

Mortalitatis Finis went on to become the inspiration behind the creation of another disease, made by Qelbor's descendant Viaxis Vammush. This plague was known as Dragon's Doom, and was not only contagious, but disastrous for the entire world.
Viaxis Vammush by Jarhed
  Viaxis was inspired by his ancestor but wanted to one-up him, and in doing so created the Age of Plague that ravaged the whole of Totania.   Dragon's Doom, however, was not an instantly deadly disease in the same way as Mortalitatis Finis. Instead, it drained the mana and life force of an infected host over time, in a far more painful and gruesome way.

Qelbor Vammush and the Grand Wizard Struggle

Prior to Qelbor Vammush, the title of Grand Wizard had been held almost exclusively by the greatest mages in the world. It was a title with great respect around it.   This changed with the eighth Grand Wizard, Medroth Umtic, who used a singular trick of a spell to get the position, killing the predecessor and taking the title for himself.   However, it was believed that this would be a slight hiccup, as there had been previously, and that the position would gain respect back when this was undone by a truly great mage.   Qelbor Vammush squashed those dreams with Mortalitatis Finis, a singular spell that he had, the only spell he could do, which killed Medroth Umtic rapidly and made most people afraid to go near him. Thus, he tricked his way into the position and set a precedent that Umtic's tricks were the way forward, bringing great dishonor to the title of Grand Wizard and starting the conflict known as the Grand Wizard Struggle.   The Struggle was a time of societal upheaval among Draconian society, as the most powerful position in their nation was taken by weak men who only wanted power and did the bare minimum to obtain it.   It was a period of splintering in the Draconian villages, and much of this had to do with fear of these power hungry men exploiting the little power they had to kill those that opposed them. This was mostly because Qelbor Vammush would give Mortalitatis Finis to anyone that spoke up against him.   This Grand Wizard Struggle continued when Vammush himself was killed by a food delivery man who had discovered an ancient, incredibly powerful spell that disintegrated the ninth Grand Wizard.

Cover image: Skull by Pexels


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Aug 18, 2024 18:40

Fascinating implications.   Just to clarify on the struggle: The disease/spell directly influenced Draconian society and its political dynamics because it made it excessively easy to kill a specific group?

Aug 19, 2024 20:20 by Jared

Thank you! The disease/spell influenced Draconian society in the struggle because it showed, first, that the Grand Wizard could be easily killed, and then that their power could be used to exploit the people and kill anyone that spoke out against them. It didn't necessarily make it easier, instead it weakened their power in the eyes of people and made them see that a specific group was mortal and not untouchable.

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