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The City of Merriment

Omi is a Kamejin city in the Abral Islands known for its large amusement district. The entire city is dedicated to a gigantic amusement park and other amenities for entertainment, with a neighboring city that houses the employees. While most of the Abral Empire is not very welcoming to outsiders, Omi's entire existence serves as a beacon to the outside world, telling them to come visit.  

The Happiest City in the World

Omi is home to everything a child could imagine and more. For this, it is lauded with much praise, and many call it the happiest city in the world. Of course, there are no other cities dedicated entirely to entertainment and pleasure, so this is not a very contested title.
Nakagawa Yuichi by Jarhed


Omi's biggest draw is the sprawling, near-citywide amusement park. It has everything that one could imagine, including:  
  • A haunted house with real ghosts
  • An attraction where guests run from "Orcs" (Kamejin painted green and wearing rags.
  • A merry-go-round device, where different beasts are carved out of wood and the contraption is spun around with wind magic.
  • A large wheel contraption that spins vertically with wind magic, where riders go up and down in carts shaped like turtle shells, called an observation wheel, which gives a view of the entire city.
  • A boat attraction that circles the island, with a tour guide excitingly describing every attraction, natural or artificial, as if it were real.
  • A cart on tracks that is powered by fire magic, going at incredible speeds around loops and up and down impressive slopes.
  • A log plume down a mountain and into a nearby lake.
  • The lake, where visitors can swim or fish.
  • A hall of mirrors enchanted to have the reflections talk back to guests.
  • A controversial attraction filled with dangerous gas that knocks out those in it for prolonged periods of time. Staff is stationed to bring them to a scenic location nearby so they may wake up to a nice view, and guards are positioned to protect them, but protesters have repeatedly asked for the attraction to be torn down.
  • A bamboo forest expedition in the local bamboo forest, the largest in the world.
Kilprax Ildial by Jarhed


Another major attraction in Omi are the mascots, costumed Kamejin that roam the park, signing things for guests in the signatures of their characters and greeting the guests.   Kamejin, often youths that live nearby, are hired to dress in costumes attributed to famous figures from around the world throughout history. They impersonate the historical figures, interacting with park guests in a safe, family-friendly way.   Some of the most popular mascots include:
  • The Four Major Lords of the Sengoku Jidai: Zenkoku Akira, Hatanaka Yukio, Ikko Shushin, and Teiji Shin.
  • Nakagawa Yuichi, retainer of Hatanaka Yukio.
  • Kilprax Ildial, first Grand Wizard.
  • Meiriris Nerifir, first Queen of the Elves.
  • Amukk, the mortal turned God.
  • Varth Dreamless, the first Court Wizard and death mage who nearly destroyed Elone.
  These are the main staples, with others getting added and removed as the era goes on. Usually, popular figures of the current age are used, as a way to either stir up fans of the person or controversy. In the eyes of the heads of Omi, no publicity is bad publicity.   Some think it strange that Omi does not rely more on Kamejin history, but it instead picks popular figures that the world would know. However, this is done to attract more foreigners, as they know most would go somewhere else in the Abral Islands to experience Kamejin culture, so instead Omi has become almost an enclave of western culture, a place to experience something that is usually found anywhere but the Abrals.
Varth Dreamless by Jarhed

Party District

While most of Omi is known for entertainment that can be, generally, fun for the whole family, there is another district of Omi that is noticeably different: the party district. Here, children are not allowed (though, of course, they try to sneak in anyway).   It is full of bars, as well as casinos and various other places for adult entertainment. One can find the streets lined with men passed out every night, in a drunken stupor so deep that it is best not to go near them. This makes it the most dangerous part of the city, as it is not regulated in the same ways as the rest of Omi.   Most laws here are for the safety of people outside of it. The most notable are the guards, whose biggest job is keeping out kids, as they also keep those considered a danger within the party district to keep the rest of Omi safe. No kids go in, no dangers get out. That is the purpose of the party district, which is walled off and hidden within the nearby forest. Due to this, some consider it a separate city in and of itself, but it is still within the boundaries of Omi.  


There are many reasons a city is made. But Omi was built as a front.
Zankoku Akira by andreaspsillos4
  It was not always this way. The land known as Omi once was a rich, historic land, home to a rather major clan during the Sengoku Jidai. However, upon this clan's defeat, the city was razed, as the dishonor they brought to the Abrals was so severe that the Emperor saw no possible way they could continue to keep Omi as it was.   Some years later, however, a new group of Kamejin settled the city: the Yakuza.   The Yakuza needed a front for their money laundering, and also a safe place to live, and so they built the party district of Omi. This ended up being incredibly profitable, and so they expanded to less suspicious ventures as well: amusements for families.   This ended up netting so much profit that a large chunk of the Yakuza split off from the organization, wishing to just make the legitimate money from making people happy.   The Yakuza were, of course, not happy with this, and have attempted to tear down Omi on numerous occasions. However, by the second conflict between Omi and the Yakuza, the law enforcement sent by the Emperor had arrived to protect it.   During the fifth conflict, many Yakuza ended up joining into a partnership with the leadership of Omi, and it is said that even now, the hands of the Yakuza are in every facet of Omi, taking the money for illicit purposes. But if it means putting a smile on the faces of children and adults alike, the leadership of the Abral Empire finds it to be less of a problem than what the Yakuza are actually doing, and leave the issue alone. Why ruin paradise?  
Meiriris Nerifir by Jarhed
Amukk by Jarhed

Cover image: Compass by Ghinzo


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