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Paragons of Unity

A New Religious Movement

The Paragons of Unity is a religious movement created by the mysterious Draconian mage known as the Mighty Herald, centered around uniting the world under a peaceful, combined banner of joy. Some call it a cult, but the Mighty Herald is adamant in denying any similarities it has to a cult. It is a completely legitimate religion.  

Not a Cult

The Mighty Herald created the Paragons of Unity after growing up in a time of great strife and division, at the end of the Age of Unrest and the start of the Age of Justice.   However, he was inspired by the actions of many heroes in the Age of Justice, particularly those that united to take down the threats like Tyrant and stop the plans of the World Court. Figures like Nalrik Tilrak, Oraakil Mardaar, Sinner Caerxan, and Finethir Shinebright.
The Mighty Herald by Jarhed
  The way that these figures united the world into a new, better age is what the Herald says he, too, hopes to do.   The Paragons of Unity exist because, according to the Herald, the Gods are not guiding the people onto the path that is best for the world. Only what is best for themselves.   Therefore, the Paragons of Unity abandons the gods. They are not a traditional religion, as they do not worship anyone, even if the Mighty Herald is their leading figurehead. Instead, they are about bringing the power of the people together.   The Paragons of Unity believe that man can become divine together.   Thus, the unity they speak of is one they hope to spread to the entire world. Their message is one that they intend to spread to each and every corner of Totania, so that the world can move on from its reliance on the power of divinity, and seek power in that which is mortal instead.  

Standards for a United Life

The holy texts of the Paragons of Unity are framed less as a text of divine teachings, but moreso as a guide for a happy life and how everyone can work together to make the world a better place. Some say this is, for the most part, also what other holy texts attempt to do, but the Herald says this is different.   But not like a cult, of course. Different in a different way.

Influences from Other Faiths

The Mighty Herald was influenced by many things when creating the Paragons of Unity.   He stated in the foundational texts of the Paragons of Unity, Standards for a United Life, that he studied every religion and compiled the parts he thought best supported his worldview and how things ought to be.   Some particular callouts he made were to the teachings of Athena, Helle, Izanagi, and Satanael.  

Cults and Anti-Religious Sentiment

Of course, his greatest influence was a cult known as Sanguine Ketchup, run by the famed vampire Finethir Shinebright, who was a close friend of the Mighty Herald.   Shinebright introduced the Herald to ideas against religion, how the Gods exploited the masses and never gave back what people really wanted, and how people suffered under organized religion.   With this, the Herald made a religion where he could give back in ways that made his followers at least feel heard, even if they were not truly getting what they wanted.   And on top of that, he has hid the existence of Sanguine Ketchup so Finethir Shinebright can live peacefully with his cult. Erasing his cult influences just proves it couldn't possibly be a cult, because he has no ties to any known cult!

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Its main principles were as follows:
  1. Help others towards the teachings that bring them the most peace, showing them the light of truth.
  3. Invest in community. We are divine together, and only when our souls are one are we the Gods of this world.
  5. Seek a peace between the heart and the mind, and go where both agree.
  7. Tell the world of everyday greatness. Anything that brings a smile to your face deserves the recognition of the world, and so, too, is the case for the world's evils, which must be known and dealt with.
  9. Open your mind to new relationships, teachings, and experiences. We are more than our pasts, and we learn and grow from everything that happens in the aftermath of the present.
  11. Recreate joy not through reliving the past, but trying to bring the glory of what was to what is now in the present.
  13. Yearn not for what others have, but instead for self-betterment and the betterment of the world.
  Most holy texts are only available from libraries or temples to the Gods, however Standards for a United Life is handed out in large piles to people anywhere the Paragons of Unity go. It is written on small pamphlets, easy to read, with more information deeper in, yet beginning with those core tenets.
Draqiroth Lealred by Jarhed
  Further in, one finds explanations on these, as well as information on how to become a Paragon of Unity and the history of its founder, the Mighty Herald.  

Unity of the Paragons

The Paragons of Unity, more than anything, sought to unite the people under their banner. Peace, while a major part of their messaging, is not necessarily the most important thing to them. When he was Village Chief of Ilder, the Mighty Herald was a very notable figure in the fighting, even while he advocated for an end to the fighting.   Thus, peace was never a very potent part of the branding of the Paragons of Unity, though it still was utilized as one of their teachings. Around the end of the religions time as a major force in the world, its main opponent was the Village Chief of the militaristic Draconian village of Bortan, Draqiroth Lealred.   However, at that same time, the right-hand of the Mighty Herald was a prominent warrior, the Jackal. Therefore, again, the message of peace was muddied into one of more unclear unity for no known purpose.   Whatever the case, they still maintained that unity was of the utmost importance. Citing moments throughout history when a great evil would arrive and the need for a united front against that future villain, as happened with the Army of the Revolution against the World Court or the Divine Heroes that saved Nerodil.  

Uplifting Mortality

Together, the Paragons of Unity claim, people are divine.
Amukk by Jarhed
  This comes from a few very old myths, the first being propaganda spread during and after the Holy Rebellion, where Meiriris Nerifir and her fellow rebels spread that the Gods were mortal as a way to inspire people to work together with her to overthrow their divine rulers.   The second is the story of Amukk, the Orc that rose to godhood thanks to the United Holy Front. With this groups support, they were able to kill a God and raise a man into his place.   The third is an idea spread by Salasar Feaphed, that the source of magic itself is where divinity originates, not the gods themselves.   All of these details are rather obscure things buried away in unpopular sections of major historical events and figures, and so it proves that the Mighty Herald at the very least did his research when writing his holy texts.  

Temple of Unity

The Paragons of Unity have a temple, which is where the majority of followers meet up for religious ceremonies. It is right outside of Bortan, across the Bay of Wonder from Zephys.   Of course, not all followers live around there, nor can they all commute, so only the most devoted Paragons go to the Temple. Still, it is said there are always hundreds of Paragons around the Temple of Unity.   It is a rough open-air structure, a roof and columns but no walls. This way, they can see the world and feel the natural breeze while also safe from rain or snow. It is made of a stone that is not normally found in the area, imported instead from Udai.  

Mysterious Attacks

Those that deny the power of the Paragons of Unity have been known to die rather mysteriously, their mana and life force drained from their bodies.   How it was drained is unclear, and while many have suggested foul play from the Paragons, the Mighty Herald has insisted that is not possible, as not only have older members of the Paragons of Unity been attacked as well, but it is clearly more in line with a vampiric attack and there is not a single vampire in the ranks of the Paragons of Unity.
The Jackal by Jarhed
"I stand in the same light as the great vampire hunter Sinner Caerxan, and I would not let a bloodsucker taint the Paragons."
— The Mighty Herald
  With this, the Paragons of Unity denounce all undead creatures as well, as to them, it is only in life that a mortal has their power. Undead are said to be abominations that deny the might of mortality, and thus the Paragons of Unity endorse to the Vampire Hunters organization and the efforts to stop the undead (even if the Mighty Herald may make dealings with vampires in the shadows).  

The Mighty Herald's Power and Controversy

The Mighty Herald's origins are unknown. He was likely from Ilder, as he became Chief there, and his predecessor, Lorzavur Exikmaan, knew him well enough to trust him with the title. However, even the real name of the Mighty Herald was never made public knowledge.
Lorzavur Exikmaan by Jarhed
  He was always involved in the goings on of the Paragons of Unity, seeking to help individuals grow into their best selves. Those he specifically saw that had great promise he'd even call heroes, and it is said there were multiple Paragons that he personally trained into hopeful heroes.   Some call him a villain, and his actions point heavily towards him being the type of person he created the Paragons of Unity to fight against, however those that knew him also said he was very kind, and that people calling him evil or a cult leader didn't know who he really was.   There is a rumor that is fairly common to spread, which claims that the Mighty Herald actually wielded Mind Magic, and used it to trick his followers into giving them what they want. With this power, he caused the brains of his followers to produce endorphins when he was around.  

End of the Paragons

The Mighty Herald gave his final public speech the last time he was seen publicly. It was in Zephys, and he called together the city to hear his speech on what he claimed to be the eve of a great day.   He often gave public addresses, but it was clear this was different. He had record turnout, more people than had come to see almost any speech given in Zephys in history, save perhaps for a speech given during the tenure of Salasar Feaphed.   What was this great day? People came to the speech hoping to get an answer. In the crowd were many figures that would go on to great prominence, including Draqiroth Lealred, the Mighty Herald's rival, as well as his students, including:
  • Rhoziros Nimphonker, the Alchemist
  • Ardar Tilrak, the Bard
  • Vaxidor Nerifir, future king of the Elves
  • Stercam Horsetrap, the Merchant Prince
Rhoziros Nimphonker by Jarhed
  The speech was as follows:
“Goodness, there are so many people here for my speech. It’s almost as if I’m an important global figure. Wouldn’t that be funny? Such a bumbling old fool making decisions that could impact the world would be ridiculous. If history were to remember me, it would remember all of us. Our lives.   Life is something precious, as we all share one life, though our bodies may be separate, I believe that we all end up together in the end. In the end, my body is your body, your magic is my magic.   Those who refuse the truth are merely fuel to the eternal fire of life, and we will make that known. We will show them. I will show them. With the help of those that stand beside me, I am stronger than any army that may rise against me. And you will all stand beside me. It is but a matter of time.”
— The Mighty Herald
Needless to say, many wrote it off, disappointed in the Herald. He was a divisive figure, but most people trusted the Paragons of Unity.
Ardar Tilrak by Jarhed
  The next day, it is said he attacked the Paragons of Unity, absorbing the life force of everyone in the Temple and attempting to spread the spell to absorb all life in the world. He was stopped by the army of Bortan, led by Draqiroth Lealred alongside the students Rhoziros Nimphonker, Ardar Tilrak, and Vaxidor Nerifir. Draqiroth Lealred delivered the killing blow, and took over as Grand Wizard from the Mighty Herald.   After that, all information about the Herald and the Paragons was about how it was a cult and how he was an evil man. Some called it Draqiroth's propaganda. The truth of the matter may never be fully known, as the Mighty Herald never revealed everything to anyone.   Looking at all of the gathered information, it is possible that it may have been a cult. But the Mighty Herald was too kind to run a cult, wasn't he?

Cover image: Dragon by lhotsky


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