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Peacock Feathers

Peacock feathers are a sacred symbol of the Goddess Mayowa, deity of art, magic, and beauty.
Mayowa by Jarhed

Feathers of the Sacred Bird

Those who believe in Ti Mayowa cherish the peacock, a sacred animal from Shafai. Compared to most other creatures, it is one that most believe feels out of place, and thus they consider it a marvel of nature that it exists.   Its feathers, in particular, are treasures that Ti Mayowan followers view as of great worth. When peacocks shed their feathers at the end of a mating season, people collect them. They are displayed on people's ears, in their hair, or as another form of accessory, as a way to show their love for natural beauty.   Due to this, some try to collect many feathers, either to display just how much they love natural beauty, or to sell for a great profit.   Therefore, the peacock feather serves both as a symbol of faith and belief in Mayowa, but also a status symbol. Strangely, despite these folks that collect the feathers not knowing it, the peacock feather has become for people what it is for peacocks: a sign of status that is used mostly to attract a mate.   Mayowa's Ahunṣọ denounce these practices, as the peacock's feathers are not meant to be anything other than a symbol of natural beauty, and it is not natural for them to be worn by humans. Still, few care enough to stop.   The only practice that is denounced by all is killing peacocks, an illegal act in Shafai, as it is against nature to kill such a beautiful and strange creature that thrives in a land it was not meant to be in.

Ti Mayowa

Ti Mayowa, or Shafaian Spirituality, is the faith around the Goddess Mayowa and all things related to her. To call it a religion, however, is a slight simplification of Shafaian beliefs.   Mayowa is the Goddess of art, beauty, and notably magic. Thus most phenomena are attributed to her, though it is believed she did not create the source of magic, instead being simply the one to discover and utilize it, refining it into mana and bestowing it upon Totania and its people.   Natural beauty is something Mayowa cherishes, and thus her followers often wear very little and emphasize parts of themselves they are most proud of.   When it comes to animals and the natural world, Mayowa asks her followers to look at what they consider most beautiful and to cherish it, hoping they will not destroy the world in the endless expansion efforts and wars that plague the mortal realm.   Finally, with art, Mayowa asks for people to express their deepest passions and identity, representing themselves by donning feathers and using them in their creations.
Some say the feathers are enchanted to be captivating to all that look at them, others call it simply natural beauty. The truth is that both are the case, as Mayowa's magic flows through them naturally, and so their enchanted beauty is natural.  

The Legend of the Peacock

A peacock's feathers exist as a way to attract a mate, which is why male peacocks grow feathers. However, there is an ancient myth related to them, which explains their connection to Mayowa.   It is said that peacocks were once an animal that resembled the other birds of Shafai, and for this, it suffered. It was a weak bird that could not fly very far, and was hunted by predators far more than it was able to reproduce. Thus, it is said that before humanoids began walking on Shafai, the peacock's ancestor was nearly extinct.   Only one male peacock remained, and he could not find a mate. The unattractive animal was difficult to spot alone, which allowed him to remain unharmed, yet left him alone. And so, it is said he wished to Mayowa for help. Not for safety, but instead beauty. Living on his own would do no good, as there would be no more of his species to live. And so, the bird was willing to die to allow his species to live on.   Mayowa granted him more than just what he wished for. She admired his commitment to his people and devotion to beauty, and so she granted him the gorgeous feathers peacocks are now known for.   The bright colors of his feathers warded off predators, but also attracted the only remaining female of his species. From there, it is said they were able to repopulate, their children going on to be the first actual peacocks born with such feathers, a blessing of beauty from Mayowa to survive in the harsh reality of nature.

Cover image: Peacock feathers by LN_Photoart


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