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Protective Scarf

The Protective Scarf is a common enchantment that novice enchanters create when learning how to make enchanted items. It absorbs spells that hit it, but can be unstable if not made correctly.  

Basic Enchantment

The Protective Scarf uses all of the most basic principles of enchantment, combined together on a piece of cloth. Once enchanted, the cloth can stop incoming attacks if the spell makes contact with the cloth.   Many early enchanters believe this to be a rather powerful enchantment for beginnners, and while this is true, it is deceptive in its effectiveness. Sure, the cloth could absorb spells, but it can only absorb so much power before the scarf is overloaded. Its effectiveness is limited to how much mana it absorbs during creation, and thus enchanters either exhaust themselves trying to make an effective scarf, or think it a fruitless endeavor.   The other issue is the skill of the wielder. Most enchanters are support mages, not combatants in their own right. Catching a spell in a cloth requires great skill and quick reflexes, so unless someone was trained in combat and had experience, they would be unlikely to be able to wield the scarf with much skill.   Due to this, most enchanters that do keep their training scarves wear them in vulnerable places, like around their necks as scarves or over their backs as capes. But some soldiers from the enchanting village of Yirthum, where enchantment is the skill everyone learns, use them as supplementary tools, training with them just as they train with their weapons.

Steps to Enchant a Scarf

  1. Prepare the scarf, lying it over ones hands so the two palms are connected by the cloth.
  3. Flow magic into the scarf, willing the patterns to shift slightly, allowing for parts of the stitching to form into runes in Draconic.
  5. Begin chanting in Draconic, for a blessing from Phrixus. One need not believe in him to seek his protective blessing.
  7. Channel all of ones remaining mana into the scarf. The more mana is poured into it, the more it can withhold going forward.
  9. Leave the scarf to dry from the mana, hanging it in the open air.

Cover image: by TheDigitalArtist


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