Skators Species in Totania | World Anvil
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The Most Radical Raptor

Skators, also known as Skating Raptors, are a bombastic species of Dinosaur that resides in the land of Udai. They resemble the common velociraptor that is found in other areas of Udai, but they are distinct in many ways, most notably that instead of running, they traverse by moving atop small pieces of stone with wheels on the bottom: Skateboards.  

Biological Traits

Skators are most distinct initially not by their most defining trait, but instead by the bright colors that make up their feathers. Neon oranges, greens, purples, and blues are the most common color for Skators.  


it appears that atop their eyes are sunglasses, in other bright colors like red, green, and purple. These do protect their eyes from the sun, but they are vestigial, growing out of the sides of their heads over their eyes. Therefore, they can be lowered and raised to help them see in darker areas or for comedic effect.  


The claws atop their fingers are able to detach and shoot out at anything the Skators wish to target. They may regrow after being dislocated, and upon impact or being in air for long enough, they explode into fireworks.


It is believed that Skators are the creation of the Korvian known as Gazer. Gazer was a Druid and Beastmaster who had the ability to make animals that also happened to be remote bombs.   Some say the Skators were an attempt by him to confuse and distract enemies so that they would not suspect any foul play.   Ultimately, it was a failed experiment, and they ran off into the wild, creating more generations of Skators that were beyond Gazer's control and so far removed from him that no one has any evidence he truly made them to begin with.
Their roar, or mating call, is said to be eerily similar to the riffing of what sounds like a guitar. It warns prey of their arrival and attracts other Skators to their sides. They are a pack animal, relying on a barebones, animalistic concept of society which they live within and battle to preserve.  


A Skator's skateboard is, unlike the sunglasses, not part of their body, but they are said to carry them throughout their entire lives.   They are not born with them. It is a strange ritual that brings forth a Skator to their skateboard, where a pack of young Skators heads out and breaks rocks with their small arms, smashing them until they are small enough for the babies to ride atop. They repeat this ritual upon growing to adulthood to acquire a full-sized board.   Like all people, they must train to get better at using the board, which is why they take them at an early age. Most grow proficient rather quickly, but some struggle and are ostracized for not fitting into the status quo.   The skateboards of Skators can look however the rock did, though often they try to smooth them down, but there is less need for them to do so due to the fact that their feet are not smooth and can grip onto tougher surfaces with their claws. Depending on the stone, even the color and texture of the board may vary.  

Response to Language

Skators are not believed to truly understand language, but there are some words and phrases they respond to. Be it with their strange roar, snapping their mouths at the one who speaks the phrase, or even pulling off a trick upon hearing the utterance. Some worry this shows signs that they may understand more than scholars are aware of, but this strikes fear into too many biologists, and so they refuse to believe it.   Such words and phrases that they seem to respond to include:
  • Sick
  • Radical
  • Shred
  • Stoked
  • Gnarly
  • Steeze
Whether this is due to their creator implanting these phrases into their minds, or simply some evolutionary quirk or even, gods forbid, a sign of developing sentience and culture within the Skators is unknown. All that is known is that one must be careful speaking around the Skators, as they may be listening, and may understand more than you think.  


Skators are found in the continent of Udai, most notably in and around the desert on its southern tip, as well as at the Yokatlān Crater, which they skate within at their leisure. They generally stay away from large population centers, but on occasion stumble into groups, who they attack unprompted for getting in "their territory."

Cover image: Crater Lake by ID 12019


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Aug 9, 2023 14:22 by E. Christopher Clark

He was a Skator Boy She said “See you later, boy.” He wasn't good enough for her. Now he's dinosaur. His roar is like a guitar. Riding around on his skateboard!   In all seriousness, this is one of the best articles I've read for this prompt so far. It's so right up my alley with the comedy and the great descriptions and oh my god, I love it so much.

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Aug 22, 2023 13:25 by Jared

First off, love the little parody there, gave me a nice chuckle.   Thanks a ton! I'm so glad someone else shares my semi-ridiculous sense of humor, I was cracking up writing this and I'm ecstatic that I could pay it forward and that you enjoyed it!

Come and take a look around my world, Totania!