
The Eynschworn - those "sworn into servitude" - are bound by duty, a promise or a favor to a god. When the gods comes to collect the favor, they do not dare to ask the reason but only will fullfill the duty laid upon them.   Most Eynschworn are voluntarily in servitude with a minor or even major deity. However, some have been coerced or forced into the bond and await the day they finally can break free from their obligations - if the deity would ever let them.   Whenever a person is bound to a god, they are accordingly marked by runes on their body, describing the bond to the god. Most Eynsworn have their mark as a tattoo on their shoulder or bizeps.   Being an Eynschworn does not only comes with duties and a cool tattoo, but also with empowerment through their bond with the deity. Some will grant special abilities, most will make them stronger and healthier.   Eynschworn are a way of a god to act and communicate with the mortal world. Eynschworn can even be send towards areas, where the influence of the god is diminished or overshadowed by another god. However the further away the Enyschworn is from the reach of their god, the more difficult it becomse to guide, order and control them.


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