Runic Jars

Nothing is forever. But food preserved in a runic jar comes pretty close.
  Preserving food and other perishable items with a rune jar is a very effective method to ensure the longevity of the contents. The method was rediscovered by Runesmith after the events of Wotan's Call in the Chaukenlande and has quickly spread as a way to build stockpiles of food. Some discoveries suggest,m this technice has been known centuries prior though.   To preserve any perishable item, you fashion a clay jar and a fitting lid and fire it in any desired shape or form. You then prepare the food you want to preserve by either cooking, searing or salting it. After immediately putting the items into the jar, you close the jar and seal it with wax, resin or an additional layer of clay. A runesmith then applies the rune Freyir on the lid and inlays it with the sealing material. The preservation effect only lasts as long as the jar is not broken and the rune is complete.   It has been found that the contents within the jar keep the exact temperature and do not decay at all. This is vastly superior over othe rmethods of conserving in jars, as this method seems to be unaffacted by the exact method of preparation. Most amazingly, this method even seems to keep ice and snow frozen, even if the jar would be put into flames.   Sealing Jars for preservation has become a commonly provided service by apprentcie Runesmiths, one which is even offered to Isanmannen traders. Troumwarft is known to have been building a stockpile of preserved food in the Gurmircavern north of Troumwarft.


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