
Life is just like wandering around on the Wattenmeer during low tide. You breath in wonderful salty air, see all the possibilities stretch out endlessly around you and can find a lot of treasures buried in the mud. But if you are not careful, you will miss the flood suddenly rushing up at you, carrying you away to your fate.
  The Wattenmeer is the region of the north sea bordering the Chaukenlande and surrounding most islands in the sea. It is well known for having a string tidal effect, where a large area of the Wattenmeer is compeletly uncovered by water during low tide. At this stage, the Wattenmeer will be a large area of mud, occasionally cut by small canals of water flowing towards the sea. And as quickly as the low tide uncoeverd it, it will be quickly flooded with water during the arrival of high tide.   Due to these strong forces, the wattenmeer erodes the coast line as well as the surrounding islands relatively quickly. This can be witnessed in the relatively recently formed Jadirbay, where the tides continue to undercut the Donnercliffs.   The area of the Wattenmeer is of vital importance for the local clans living in the area. While fishing is possible, most villages have multiple Schlickdigger gathering food and floatsam during low tide.   During the low tide is the easiest way to cross over to the many large islands in the northern sea. Thge island clans have developed sleds with large skids that can be sailed in the wind to quickly cross over the muddy area.   This is also the favorite form of transportation of the mudkins, a group of marauders in the area.
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