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Antheia City   • lies a few miles west of the bridge next to the the onovsa lake • has four gates (east, north, north-west, west) • divided into nine districts • brothels and gambling are banned inside the city walls   Loyalists (people loyal to the old Duke) • Hergrimm Thunderstrike – Owner of "Ye Old Red Axe", Ex-Redblade, could work as Redblade-Contact • Schmidt Family – wealthy merchants with many contacts, will take in the Duke's son ◦ Günther (father) kidnapped after he got into a very heated argument with Lord Fridolin Wegerich ◦ Rest of the family: Katarina (Mother), Melanie (Daughter) • Miachael Bogen – former Captain of the City Guard • Garond "The Shield" – Captain of the old Dukes personal guard, currently hiding in the "Cabbage Yard", survived the White-Tusks raid. Can stop wenriks ghost. • Lord Whitebarrow – really old Knight, trusted advisor of the old Duke, got forcefully removed from his home in "The Arches" and resides now in his second manor outside the city. Could mentor the group in politics.   Missing People – GM information: Alcimos is the mastermind behind the kidnappings, he uses the kidnapped people as slaves to dig up ancient ruins for him. The following people work with/for him on his quest to becoming a chosen of the Dark One: • The Black Network – concretely "The Amazing Chest" is part of the kidnappings. Talking to the people in the area may show that many went there and did not come back. • There is a gang of kidnappers hidden in the warehouses at "The Port", this information can be obtained from the Thieves Guild. The kidnappers wear city guard issue chain mail, stolen and sold by the Thieves Guild. • Lord Fridolin Wegerich – the city major instated by Alcimos – has been using his influence to arrest people that oppose him / people loyal to the old Duke and also send them of to Alcimos. Talking to the family that the Dukes Son will seek shelter at, reveals at least one missing person – the father. • Bandits outside the city are kidnapping traders and farmers. The bandits hide at the edges of the forest. Visiting the farms away from the city can lead to information. The bandits biggest hideout is an old abandoned mine, which has been reused by the bandits slaves to fund Alcimos (Very Rare Metal / Crystal). • Lighthouse is in possesion of bandits and "enslaved" city guards. • Two of the farms are completely empty. Some of the others are missing people. • There is a fake patrol of bandits on the highway, wearing guard issue chain shirts and shields.     Rule of the Duke - GM information: • Enemies: ◦ Alchimos ◦ Lord Wegerich ◦ Captain Mallet ◦ Imira • Possible Allies: ◦ Sergant Michael Bogen (can be reinstated as Captain) ◦ Captain Garond "The Shield" (stops Wenrik and allows to find the Orb of rulership) ◦ Hergrimm Thunderstrike ◦ Lord Whitebarrow (could work as mentor in politics, old & weak, but experienced) • Neutral Parties ◦ Mareska Family ◦ Temple of the Maiden ◦ City Guard (depends on who is Captain) ◦ People of Forestlane (are bitter in general) • possible ways of regaining controll of the city: ◦ assassination of enemies ◦ using the army of the players plus some extra ◦ gaining power in the city: ▪ convincing neutral parties ▪ reinstating Michael Bogen as Captain of the City Guard   Colour Code: • Info/Quests relating missing people • Info/Quests relating the retaking of the Dukes title • Four Friends • PC – related stuff     Districts Sunset Town • west part of the city, outside the walls • derives its name from the light during the sunset • This district is in the hands of the Black Network, it is dominated by brothels, taverns, inns, casinos and similiar. • It is an open secret, that the guards situated in this district are bought by the Black Network and act more like the Black Networks militia then the actual city guard • points of interest: ◦ Amazing Chest: Most famous brothel of the district. A lot of flyers in the Sunset Town point towards the establishment and state “amazing chest ahead”. The brothel is actually a complex of two big three-storied houses, which are connected by an arch over the street. Biggest house is a open brothel with no disgression, second house is a tavern and a strip club, third house is a brothel for special tastes and disgression Has a teleportation circle in the cellar, which is used to teleport away enthralled people to Alcimos. Also has a hidden shrine to Shami-Amourae (Exiled One) in Imiras ▪ Imira (owner) • beautiful middle-aged human woman with long black hair and dark brown eyes • always in a deep cut red dress, with slits on the sides of the legs and an open back, here arms are bare, but she wears red gloves. • Wears a symbol of Encratia,"The Mistress", saint of fertility and love (Symbol: Falcon). • Secretly worships the Exiled: Shami-Amourae, the lady of delights • Part of The Black Network and does know about the missing people. • Tries to charm one of the party if the chance arises ◦ if unsuccessful nothing happens ◦ if successful the PC is put in a cage and needs to rescued •   ◦ Sunset View: Most famous tavern of the district. Not a singular house but rather a connected series of terraces on the roofs of already existing houses. They are accessable from a very tall house in the middle which functions as the main tavern. ▪ People: • Gernot (owner) ◦ human with brown long hair, brown eyes ◦ mixes the best drinks in town ◦ Is part of the Black Network, but does not know of its affiliation to the Exiled Ones or the missing people. ▪ Information about missing people: • The Lighthouse has been dark for quite a while. ◦ The Lucky Gnome (tavern & casino & brothel): ▪ biggest, most frequented establishement due to the variety of services provided ▪ has a floor for "special services" – only for trusted/recommended customers ▪ A lot of people went missing there, also a lot of non-regular traveling customers that no one misses (at least until far too late). ▪ has a secret underground passage to the proximity of the lighthouse • passage is generally for smuggeling • now used for kidnaping ▪ Owner: • Mirko Zehner, human man his fifties, unassuming ◦ Ye Old Red Axe (tavern): Sturdy stone building. Picture of a red axe over the door. ▪ People: • Hergrimm Thunderstrike (owner): ◦ strong, basically square-shaped dwarf, grey haired and bearded ◦ Hergrimm was a part of the Red Blades until he got forcefully retired due to his anger issues. ◦ His leaving and the taking of his Red Metal Axe were tolerated because of his otherwise honorable service record. ◦ Hergrimm was the weapon instructor of Allison the Whites Guard. ◦ The Black Network leaves Hergrimm alone. ◦ Hergrimm still has contacts in the Red Blades, and can help the players involve the Red Blades into the reinstation of the real Duke, if they help him with the Black Network. • Gron: ◦ One of the "Four Friends" ◦ Redblade, Milan Roths Protector ◦ looking for the missing people ◦ plans to go to the lighthouse ▪ Information about missing people: • The Lighthouse has been dark for quite a while.   West Gate • describes the area inside and outside of the north-west city gate • points of interest: ◦ West Gate Market ▪ Information about missing farmers/deliveries from the farms in the North-West: • Agathas Farm => no deliveries for one week • Geedans Farm => Geedan was talking about a missing worker (2 weeks ago) • Lox Brothers Mill => scheinbar alles in Ordnung ▪ generally traders are rare these days, regular ones have not arrived • People: ◦ Milan ▪ one of the "Four Friends" ▪ looking for hints about the missing people ▪ wants to go to the farms with Anastasia   North Town • lies in the north-east outside the city walls • points of interest: ◦ North Town Market ▪ Information about missing farmers/deliveries from the farms in the North-East: • Jenkins Farm => no deliveries for 2 weeks • Reynault Farm => no deliveries for 3 weeks • Alderleaf Farm => three missing workers ▪ generally traders are rare these days, regular ones have not arrived • People: ◦ Anastasia: ▪ one of the "Four Friends": ▪ looking for missing people ▪ plans to meet with Milan   Castle (Antheia Keep) • The Castle is haunted by the ghost of Kalliases dead bodyguard. • Castle is closed from the outside and under heavy protection. • In the old Dukes private Chambers, the orb of office is located ◦ the orb is magic and can act as prove for the identity of the true Duke ◦ Lord Wegerich tries to get it for Alcimos => hires people for it • Wenrik (ghost): ◦ former personal bodyguard of Kallias. ◦ if "killed" the ghost just reemerges 1d6*5 minutes later and attacks again ◦ does only recognise Garond "The Shield" and Kallias ◦ Wenrik knows if people enter the castle and where to find them ◦ Wenrik cannot leave the castle   Forestlane • Derives its name from the sylvar (mostly woodelf) culture that influences the architecture of the place. • In this district the cultures of woodelfs and humans merge (=> lots of Half-Elves). • A lot of plants, trees which are fusing with wooden natural built houses, surprisingly many birds and plants are there to see. • points of interest: ◦ Purplepark: ▪ beautiful park full of light purple leaved trees ▪ tame forest animals roam the park ▪ Bladesinger: Theminor Laeben (dark, longhaired, high elf, leather armor, scimitar) • member of the "singing Blades" • ◦ City Grove: ▪ Mixed culture temple/grove in the middle of the Purplepark ▪ following gods are worshipped: • Rillifane Rallathil (Symbol: Oak), wood elf god of nature • St Honorata "The Mother", St. of earth and mountains (Symbol: Mountain peak). ▪ Priest: Tharea Silverleaf (blonde, longhaired, blueeyed half-elf) • Gelbin the Legend of the The Seer ◦ The blind, yet all seeing – the first Prophet told: The great cycle can only be broken, when the chosen of the Three come together and burn the relics of war in the forge of the worlds first Beeing. ◦ Purple Oak: Tavern built around a big purple-leaved oak outside in the middle of the Forestlane. Made of wood and natural stone. Known to be hospitable to all Races and folks. ▪ People: • Tim Tabledancer (owner & husband of Daran "The Drummer") ◦ gnome with brown short hair, very lean and athletic ◦ dances in the evening to Darans drumming - lots of flips and jumps • Daran "The Drummer" (owner & husband of Tim Tabledancer) ◦ black haired, rotund, joyfull gnome with a kind smile ◦ plays the drum • Alina (waitress) ◦ female half-elf, red braided hair, green eyes, very self assured ◦ orphan raised by Tim & Daran ◦ juggles to Darans music • Elster ◦ one of the "Four Friends" ◦ bald, tatooed human in greenish brown and runed robe ◦ looking for hints about the missing people ◦ wants to go to the hunters' hut at the edge of the forest   ▪ Information about missing people: • a group of regulars – the hunters Tschruck, Artus, Wilfried– did not come in a while (Owners) (5 Weeks) • Balder (Wood Elf) a legendary carpenter situated in the Forestlane is missing his appreantice Verena (Dwarf) (2 Days) • Elana (Half-Elf) – a friend of Alina – is missing (3 Weeks) ◦ Boyfriend Markus – apprentice guard comes from the Westgate district, also missing makeout place on the beach Old Ward Area where the City Guard is stationed, trained and supplied. Complex of Barracks, training area, a smithy, the command builing and a big warehouse containing supplies. • People: ◦ Captain Mallet – Captain of the City Guard ▪ middle aged human, nasal high voice, first grey hair ▪ small, sadistic, VERY INTELLIGENT but selfimportant ▪ loyal to Alcimos and Lord Friedolin Wegerich, tries to get rid of the party ◦ Sergant Michael Bogen ▪ demoted former Captain of the guard, now 2nd in command ▪ tall, lean human, maybe not the strongest but tough as leather, never gets tired ▪ very unhospitable, completely direct ▪ Information: • already sent two patrols to the lighthouse, no-one came back • people around "The Port" and in the "Sunset Town" missing most often • 15 Guard-Issue Chain Mails and 30 Chain-Shirts were stolen 6 Weeks ago, before the disapearing started • maybe check the farms outside the city ◦ Ramirez ( = Diamond) – Quartermaster and secretly leader of the local Thieves Guild. ▪ Human, male, blonde pony-tail, middleaged, very attractive but snarky ▪ almost no guild members know his true identity – personally kills caught thieves     Cabbage Yard Poorest part of the city, named after the food for the poor: cabbage. • points of interest: ◦ Chapel of Encratia: ▪ small chapel of St. Encratia "The Mistress", saint of fertility and love (falcon) ▪ stone building in the middle of the "Cabbage Yard" ▪ works as a soup kitchen for the poor ▪ People in the Chapel: • Priest: Rajid Desto (slim, brown-skinned, curly hair, black mustache) • Captain Garond "The Shield" (dark blonde hair, average height, strong but not overly muscular) ◦ hides among the priests from Alcimos ◦ works in the back of the chapel as a cook ◦ uses a big tower shield in combat (shieldmaster feat)   The Arches • oldest part of the city, well restored, tall buildings that often arch over the streets in places • richest part of the town • points of interest: ◦ Schmidt Family Home ▪ father missing => went to Lord Friedolin Wegerich, never came back ▪ mother increadibly intelligent, very caring ◦ Whitebarrow Manor ▪ currently housing Lord Friedolin Wegerich ▪ original owner Lord Whitebarrow ◦ Golden Goose ▪ most expensive tavern in town ◦ Trade House Mareska ▪ trade house of one of the most influencial "families" in the Black Network ▪ The Antheia Trade House is lead by Claudio Marchete: • human, mid thirties, tanned, attractive • bantering almost playfull demeanor ▪ The Mareskas are neutral towards current political situation. ▪ The Mareskas DO NOT worship the Exiled Ones ◦ Temple of the Maiden: Tall white stone bulding, decorated by statues of scholars holding books and scrolls, quills and many scientific contraptions, but all have one thing in common: they have no face, only a helmet. It is buit around the Antheia City libary in its center. ▪ worships St. Veronica, the St. of Knowledge and Civilisation; Symbol: Helmet ▪ below the libary there is an ages old shrine to the creator: • this shrine is a relic from cycles past • the inscriptions on the shrine remind one of the Yenelli's writing • upon interaction, Mithyra obtains a vision. ▪ people in the temple: • high priestess: Mathilda ◦ 65 years old, agile for her age but still not the fastest ◦ weirdly desinterested in anything except Mithyra and her garden ◦ only leads the temple formally => sister Synthia actually does it ◦ sometimes gives advice to Synthia • Piestess Synthia: ◦ 43 Yeas old, body completely covered by her robe ◦ took an oath of celibacy (voluntarily – no requirement) ◦ very extreme in the exercise of her belief, but equally understanding of more moderate views and practices • Magic researcher Yorick: ◦ 2nd floor ◦ really old, really kind Halforc The Port It is only the water side of the city with a few docks for inland ships. No big port by any means, as Antheia does not have real connection to the sea. Besides the docks, the area is mostly gouverned by storage houses. The "Port" is full of hideouts from the local thieves guild called "The Red Hand". • points of interest: ◦ The Drowning Shark: ▪ Sailor Tavern, cheapest ale in town ▪ front for the Thieves Guild ▪ The Owner – Kardif – can be bribed to tell about the kidnappers DC(30 – 5 for every 10GP) ◦ Docks: ▪ Fishermen & Boatsmen: => William and Florian ◦ Warehouses: ▪ Kidnappers can be found via contact to the Thieves Guild (needs bribes) or via a trap (e.g. putting a PC/NPC out as bait) ◦ People: ▪ Diego • one of the "Four Friends" • looking for the missing people, asking around • maybe tipping the party off or assisting them when attacking the warehouse.   Outsside the City Farms (North – East): • Jenkins Farm ◦ no deliveries for 2 weeks ◦ destroyed ◦ tracks can lead to the bandit camp in the north – east • Reynault Farm ◦ missing two workers • Alderleaf Farm ◦ three missing workers Farms (North – West): • Agathas Farm ◦ no deliveries for 2 weeks ◦ destroyed ◦ tracks can lead to the bandit camp in the north – west • Geedans Farm ◦ only one missing worker ◦ Damakus: ▪ human, racist ▪ hates Rorick, because his farm is way more productive • Lox Brothers Mill ◦ no missing workers ◦ really close to Lord Whitebarrows land house and protected by his guards • Roricks Farm ◦ actually very close to the bandit camp ◦ only one missing worker ▪ Norrim – the Duergar the party saved in Kundrakhar – is missing ▪ worked for Rorick, repairing tools ▪ skilled blacksmith, could work for the party if rescued ◦ Rorick is a very open, very kind human. ▪ a lot of Half – Orcs, a few Tieflings and even a Bugbear are working for him   Other • Whitebarrow Landhouse • Hunting Cabin ◦ • Lighthouse ◦ five miles east of the town, ironically on the only cliff around ◦ Jack – the owner – is missing ◦ city guards in the tower ▪ cursed to attack and kidnap peole ▪ curse leaves their mind untouched but causes them immense pain and physical harm if disobeyed ▪ if left alive the city guards have information: • a mage and bandits were here • people were brought here to get teleported away by the mage • mage has a mask and dark robe ◦ teleportation circle is in the tower • Beach ◦ small yellow-sanded beach ◦ east of the Sunset Town, close and in view of the lighthouse ◦ small hut made of wood on it ◦ inside the dead body of a fisherman pinned to the wall by swords ▪ the fisherman is a Revenant by the name of William ▪ William is searching his love Florian (another fisherman) ▪ William can lead the party to the portal, which the Ring found Bandit Camps • North-West Camp • North-East Camp • Old Mine Camp     Random Encounters • Fake Patrol (two encounters) There is a fake patrol of bandits on the street west of the city. The fake patrol wears guard issue chain shirts and shields. ◦ First Encounter ▪ just passing by, describing them "patroling" and "checking up" on caravans ▪ players might ask for investigation checks or something ▪ maybe some passive perception shennanigans ◦ Second encounter ▪ guards are "escorting" a caravan to the city – to far to reach Antheia before nightfall ▪ they want to kidnap the caravan at night ▪ now definitely perception/ insight/ investigation checks ◦ Bandit Attack If all else fails, let the bandits attack something, and the players notice ▪ Possibilities • the PC's • a trader or civilian • a farm • Raided Caravan • Slavers on the way to Antheia


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