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Mechanics for casting spells with the True Source.
  The most powerful form of spellcasting in Yllara is the one that uses the True Source as fuel. After the creation of the Weave, True Source Spellcasting (Channeling) is solely reserved for the Aes Volari. In the current era, the Exiled saints can also cast spells using the Source, though at a weaker level than the Aes Volari.
  True Source Spellcasting is a soft magic system. Its emphasis is on mystery and wonder. True Source spellcasters have more flexibility and creative freedom when using soft magic, as the boundaries of what is possible are not clearly defined. This can lead to more imaginative and unpredictable outcomes, but it also requires much more skill on the spellcaster's side to perform successfuly and without unintended consequences.

Design Notes

The goal of this magic system is to add depth and wonder to the setting. The focus should be on storytelling and creativity rather than strict rules and mechanics. Whenever possible, do your best to enhance the role-playing experience while allowing for a sense of mystery and unpredictability.

True Source Spellcasting Guidelines / Introduction

1. Ambiguity and Mystery:
    • There are only a few explicit rules and no spell lists. Instead, there are broad descriptions and concepts, as well as certain limitations (with game balance in mind).
    • The magic system should be explained to players in broad strokes, but the specifics should be left to the DM to handle. Players should be encouraged to learn more about this system in the world and should be provided opportunities to try new things.
    • In short: keep the mechanics and numbers hidden.
2. Narrative Emphasis:
    • True Source spellcasting is integral to the storytelling. It serves as a major plot device and world-building element, driving the narrative forward. Otherwise, it might be redundant.
    • Players are encouraged to describe their magical actions in a creative and thematic way, rather than relying on predefined spells.
3. Limited Availability: True Source spellcasting is restricted to (a) The Aes Volari, (b) The Exiled Saints and (c) Characters that have undergone The Ascension Ritual , a special attunement ritual.
    • While the Source is unlimited, casting spells with it can be very taxing. Spellcasters are limited in the number and potency of spells they can cast between periods of rest (because they risk gaining levels of exhaustion and negative levels, more on that below).
4. Open Interpretation:
    • There is a lot of flexibility in how magic manifests, letting players and DMs interpret the magical effects based on the situation and context.
    • There are some guidelines for improvisation and storytelling within the framework of the soft magic system.
5. Consequences and Costs:
    • Channeling comes with potential consequences or costs. Using this magic should have narrative and in-game repercussions.
    • Encourage players to consider the ethical and moral aspects of using such magic and its impact on the game world.

True Source Skill Challenges

In the system that follows, characters posess 3 skills that describe their ability to channel:
    • Channeling Ability (determines whether you can cast a spell correctly),
    • Innate Potential (your inborn talent, which can make spell effects more powerful) and
    • True Arcana (your formal training, which can make spell effects more powerful).

  Each skill is described as a percentage (%). It is important to note the total % value, as well as the half (divide the skill % by 2) and fifth values (divide the skill % by 5).
  When the system asks for a "Channeling Skill Challenge" , the character must roll a percentage die and compare the result with the value of their skill. If they roll LOWER than their skill value, then the skill challenge is successful. If they roll EQUAL TO or HIGHER than their skill value, then the skill challenge is failed.
  There are three kinds of skill challenge difficulties:
    • normal difficulty: compare the d100 result to your skill value.
    • hard difficulty: compare the d100 result to your half value (% of your skill divided by 2)
    • extreme difficulty: compare the d100 result to your fifth value (% of your skill divided by 5)

Skill Challenge advantage/disadvantage

    • If a challenge asks for advantage, or asks you to roll a bonus die on a skill challenge: Roll and additional "tens" die for your percentage roll. Out of the 2 "tens" dice, pick the one that is lower.
    • If a challenge asks for disadvantage, or asks you to roll a penalty die on a skill challenge: Roll and additional "tens" die for your percentage roll. Out of the 2 "tens" dice, pick the one that is higher.
Pushing the dice If you fail a skill challenge, you can "push" the dice. Roll the challenge again. If you fail, you suffer the normal consequences for a channeling failure (see below), with this added cost:
    • If you push and fail a basic spell, there is a 10% chance your Channeling Ability drops to 0
    • If you push and fail an advanced spell, there is a 33% chance your Channeling Ability drops to 0
    • If you push and fail an expert spell, there is a 51% chance your Channeling Ability drops to 0

Channeling Costs and Consequences

After failing a Channeling Ability skill challenge, consult the following list (not cumulative):
    • Failed by 1-10 (minor failure): The spell has no effect.
    • Failed by 11-30 (regular failure): The spell has no effect and you exert yourself. You gain 2 levels of exhaustion or 2 negative level(50-50 chance for each).
    • Failed by 31 - 99 (major failure): The spell has a negative effect (DM decides, there is a table for this) and you exert yourself: 50/50 chance of gaining 3 levels of exhaustion or 3 negative levels.
You lose one level of exhaustion and 1 negative level per long rest. For each negative level you have, you get -1 to all die rolls, lose 1 effective hit die, 1 effective level and reduce your max HP by 1 hit die.

Channeling Skills

Innate Potential

This is the talent a person was born with. Expressed as a %.
    • Mortals are generally born with 0% innate Potential. Can be increased by performing the ritual of Ascension.
    • Mortals with lesser talent would be at 1-30% Innate Potential.
    • An exceptionally strong mortal spellcaster would be at 31-60% Innate potential.
    • The Exiled Saints are at 61-70% Innate Potential.
    • The Aes Volari are at 90 - 100% Innate Potential.
Using Innate Potential Innate Potential provides penalties or bonuses to your spell effects or damage.
  Increasing Innate Potential If a character has any Innate Potential, they usually locked at that number forever. Innate Potential can only be increased in very rare and extreme circumstances, such as opening the dark one's prison and casting the appropriate ritual to boost one's potential.
  Highly advised that this stat remains near impossible to improve for characters in the world.
  If a character is exposed to a circumstance that would allow them to increase their Innate Potential, roll a percentage die against your Innate Potential skill. If you roll higher than your skill % value, then increase Innate Potential by 2d10.

True Arcana

This indicates the extent to which a character is formally trained in Channeling. It also includes the amount of information/knowledge they have studied, understood and practiced.
    • 0-30% : initiate
    • 31-50% : advanced
    • 51-80: expert
    • 81-100 : legendary
Using True Arcana True Arcana provide penalties or bonuses to your spell effects or damage.
  Increasing True Arcana If a character is exposed to information about the True Source during the game (getting a tutor, reading ancient scrolls/books, conducting experiments, individual study, etc), the DM might ask for a flat increase in True Arcana.

Channeling Ability

This is the character's ability to control the True Source and channel. If a character's Innate Potenial or True Arcana is 0%, then their Channeling Ability is also 0%. Otherwise, assign a % number to Channeling Ability, based on the following ranges:
    • Novice spellcasters have 1-49% channeling ability. Expect to fail simple spells the majority of the time.
    • Proficient spellcasters have 50 - 80% channeling ability. More reliable simple spells, still challenged by advanced spells.
    • Exceptional spellcasters have 81-100% channeling ability.
Using channeling Ability Channeling Ability describes the chances a character has to perform a spell correctly, without unintended consequences and without incurring negative effects or costs.
  Increasing Channeling Ability Once per adventure, if you have successfully cast at least X spells with True Source, roll a percentage die against your Channeling Ability. If you roll higher than your skill value, increase channeling ability by 1d10.
  X is your channeling ability divided by 10, rounded down.

Using Channeling Skills

When your character attempts to cast a spell, the DM and the player work together to resolve the following:
    • Determine the spell's difficulty rating - Basic, Advanced, Expert (see the "spells" section). If in doubt, ask the player how much effort, strain and complexity they wish to put into the spell. Warn them that failure can cost them their ability to channel entirely.
    • Determine if you have advantage or disadvantage on the roll (environmental or other parameters might provide this, see the "spells" section)
    • Roll a Channeling Ability skill challenge (normal, hard or extreme, depending on spell difficulty rating). You can push the dice if you fail.
    • If you fail, roll for consequences/costs.
    • If you succeed, describe spell effects.
    • Apply "Damage bonus and Potency" to your spell results (see section below)

Damage Bonus and Potency

  Add your Innate Talent + True Arcana
Innate Potential+True ArcanaCategorySpell DamageSpell Potency
2-64 Noobie -5d10 0
65-84 Initiate -2d10 0
85-124 Practitioner +/-0 1
125 - 164 Adept +1d10 2
165 - 204 Master +3d10 3


Spell Categories

There are no spell lists, the caster's imagination is the limit. Here are some examples of what kind of spells characters can cast with the True Source
    • Environmental Adaptation: The caster adapts the environment to their advantage. This could include growing vines to create a temporary bridge or conjuring a mystical fog for concealment.
    • Character Empowerment: The caster's magic enhances their character's abilities, such as granting them temporary superhuman strength or agility.
    • Elemental Manipulation: The caster manipulates elements like fire, water, or earth.
    • Illusions and Deception: The caster uses illusions to deceive opponents or create diversions. Illusions may not deal direct damage but can affect combat dynamics significantly.
    • Summoning and Creation: The caster conjures temporary allies or creates objects out of thin air to assist.
    • Magic-enhancement: The caster increases the chances of success on a future cast.

spell difficulty and damage

More difficult spells deal more damage. The player chooses the difficulty of the spell and the DM rolls for the damage. Basic Spells
    • Channeling Ability Challenge: normal
    • Damage for one target: 10-15d10 (avg 55 - 83)
    • Damage for multiple targets: 11-14d6 (avg 39 - 49)
    • Equivalent Weave spell effects: up to lvl 6
Advanced Spells
    • Channeling Ability Challenge: hard
    • Damage for one target: 16-20d10 (88 - 110)
    • Damage for multiple targets: 15-20d6 (53 - 70)
    • Equivalent Weave spell effects: lvl 7-9
Expert spells
    • Channeling Ability Challenge: extreme
    • Damage for one target: 23-26d10 (127 - 143)
    • Damage for multiple targets: 23-28d6 (81- 98)
    • Equivalent Weave spell effects: Beyond lvl 9

Spell duration

Spells are either instataneous, or require concentration. With channeling, a spellcaster can concentrate on a number of spells equal to his or her potency without any negative effect. The spells end when the caster decides (or is forced by another spell effect) to drop concentration.
  When maintaining spells over his potency threshold, the caster adds a penalty die to all Channeling Ability challenges for each active spell above the potency threshold. Also, the caster must roll a Channelling Ability challenge against the most complex spell he is concentrating on at the start of each of his rounds. All concentrated spells fail on a failure.

environmental bonus/penalty

The DM might grand the spellcaster a bonus die if the spell uses elements that are heavily favored by the environment they are in. I.e. casting a spell that manipulates fire inside an active volcano.

Known spells

True Source Mantle

    • Difficulty: Basic / Advanced / Expert
    • Requires 80 True Arcana
    • Category: Character Empowerment
    • Duration: Concentration
    • Description: A vast amount of compressed True Source energy envelops the body of a willing creature you touch. The coating is invisible to the naked eye (though not to effects that detect magic). While coated, you are immute to all forms of damage dealt by sources not enhanced with True Source. This includes Weave spells and weave magic items. Each time the mantle prevents over 10/30/50 damage (scales with difficulty) from a single source, roll a Channeling Ability challenge (hard). For each 5/10/15 damage over the damage threshold, add a penalty die. On a failure, the spell ends.

Protection from Weave Spells

    • Difficulty: Basic / Advanced / Expert
    • Requires 80 True Arcana
    • Category: Character Empowerment
    • Duration: Concentration
    • Description: Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch is immune to any effect produced by a weave-based spell. This effect is only effective for spells up to level 6/8/9 (scales with diffuculty). Whenever this effect is activated, roll a Channeling Ability challenge (normal). On a failure, the spell ends.

Weave Deadzone

    • Difficulty: Advanced / Expert
    • Requires 80 True Arcana
    • Category: Character Empowerment
    • Duration: Concentration
    • Description: A willing creature or object that you touch is surrounded by an antimagic field, as per the 8-th level spell. Can affect an additional creature or object in expert difficulty and the field's range increases to 20ft.

Improved Channeling

    • Difficulty: Advanced
    • Requires 50 True Arcana
    • Category: Character Empowerment
    • Duration: Concentration
    • Description: Spend 2 actions concentrating. The next time you channel a True Source spell, you may add a bonus die to the Channeling Ability challenge equal to your potency.
Soft magic spellcasting system.
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