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Eldarquartz crystals are a rare and mystical type of crystal highly sought after by elven spellcasters for their unparalleled ability to amplify and refine magical energies. These crystals are distinguished by their ethereal glow, which shifts in hue from a deep, soothing emerald to a radiant, fiery opal depending on the type of magic channeled through them. Each Eldarquartz is unique, with intricate natural patterns resembling ancient elvish runes etched into their surfaces, believed to be the secret to their potent magical abilities.   To the elves, Eldarquartz crystals are not merely tools but revered symbols of their deep bond with magic and the world around them. They are often passed down through generations within noble elf lineages, each crystal holding centuries of history, knowledge, and power.

Acquiring Eldarquartz

Unlike other crystals, the Eldarquartz are unique in that they grow on trees in Myfenor forest. While many trees in Myfenor forest bear emerald crystals in place of leaves, only the rare "Eldar Tree" can sprout Eldarquartz, and only a few every hundred years. The high elves are caring for Eldar Trees in the most sacred and hidden groves within Myfenor forest.   Harvesting an Eldarquartz requires a harmonious understanding of nature and considerable magical skill, as they are very fragile without further refinement.   Because of how rarely the Eldar Trees produce Eldarquartz and due to the difficulty of harvesting, supply of Eldarquartz is very limited.

Using Eldarquartz

  • When used as a spellcasting focus, an Eldarquartz harmonizes saidin and saidar energies, producing weave without causing any negative effects to Fundamental Energy.
  • Eldarquartz are known to hold bits of history and knowledge from their previous owners.
  • Eldarquartz are known to have limits. They can be used to cast an infinite number of spells without breaking, but a few powerful spells (spell levels 6 and above) can permanently destroy the crystal.

Purple Eldarquartz

A recent development in Eldarquartz technology has allowed the elves to produce purple crystals. This is a breakthrough technology, in its very early stages and only a handful of purple crystals have been produced. The Arcane Advisor is in charge of their research and development.   The purple crystals only grow on Eldar Trees that are cultivated underground, using specific rituals.   Those crystals provide additional benefits when used as spellcasting foci:
  • They can support higher level spells (up to level 9) without breaking.
  • They can provide bonuses to spellcasters (better spell effects, improve concentration, etc)


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