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Myfenorian Nobility

The High Elves of Myfenor trace their bloodlines back to the great elven houses of ancient Venera. These families control large swaths of the forest and oversee the well-being of their domains. They are tasked with managing resources, arbitrating disputes, and reporting directly to the Assembly on matters of significance.   The Emerald Queen is capable of raising any high elf to nobility, thus creating a new "lineage".

Major Lineages

  1. Starweave Lineage
  2. Dawnwhisper Lineage
  3. Crystalglen Lineage
  4. Silverleaf Lineage

Minor Lineages

  1. Lineage of Moonshadow
  2. Lineage of Sunspire
  3. Lineage of Gladeborne
  4. Lineage of Thornvale
  5. Lineage of Lightfall
  6. Lineage of Windriver
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