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Silverdenn is a country in the eastern parts of Ylarra, just west of the Borderlands.  


The geography of todays Silverdenn was massively shaped during the Breaking, when Saint Adrian fought Infernix the Invincible.
During the War for Survival (0 BB > 501 AB), the region of Silverdenn gained its name for its abundance of common and rare, mundane and magical metals.
Silverdenn's first known documentary mention as a country gouverned by men is on a receipt for dwarven stonecraft from 753 AB during the War of a Thousand Years. Todays Silverdenn however, shares only its name and location with this kingdom of old.
Silverdenn, as it is today, was created in the centuries after Ourania Themis' death by Faith the Martyr, a trusted follower of Themis.
After the Arissoss Accords were signed in 1286 AB, Ourania Themis set up Faith as her direct subordinate with regards to Silverdenns administration.
Being a devout believer in the Creator, Faith the Martyr began to move the faith away from the Saints and more towards his creator-centric faith. His status as warhero, good administrator and legendary healer aided his popularity immensly and he managed to establish the Church of the Creator - a formerly small sect - as a wide spread religion.
When Ourania Themis died and her generals began carving out their individual kingdoms, he stayed in Silverdenn and assumed the title of Holy Father. As Faith the Martyr solidified his position as Holy Father and ruler, he founded the Caliga in 1535 AB to combat the Black Land.
Faith the Martyr vanished in 1577 AB after allegedly taking on the sickness and suffering of the plague ridden city of Cratina.
Eventually the cardinals of the Church of the Creator selected a new Holy Father and kept ruling without their prophet-like figurehead.    


Similar the rest of Ylarra, Silverdenn's geography was massively impacted by the Breaking. Silverdenn is a country in the south-east of Ylarra. It borders Chalia and Osheria to the east, Asparia to the north and Arissoss to the west. While Silverdenn is a mostly flat country with the occasional forest, its northern and western borders are dictated by the massive mountain range known as the Silver Band.

The Eyes of the Watcher

The Left Eye and Right Eye are the two lakes east and west of the city Dogmata. Legends holds, that the lakes are windows through which the saint of watchfulness and loyalty peers into Ylarra.  

The Silver Band

Deriving its name from the abundance of rare metals to be found in the mountain range, the Silver Band is a continuing source of Silverdenn's prosperity as well as a home to the dwarven people. It contains the dwarven cities Silverdeep, Runehold, High Hammer and Ember Hall, as well as the expansive underground tunnel and mining system named Silver Reaches, which connects them all.  

Sun Plaines

The Sun Plaines refer to the area enclosed by Verona, Logeus, Cratina and Dogmata in the heart of Silverdenn.  

Wind Plaines

Named after the winds coming from the sea, the Wind Plains refer to the area connecting Atriens, Thelas and Cratina.  

Glandolwin Forest

Glandolwin Forest lies south of Dogmata. It's name is older then the theocracy and goes back to a Forest Elf leader of the same name, who is said to have fought an orcish invasion together with the humans of Silverdenn.  

Hefruth Forest

A name derived from dwarven tounge and human ignorance, as Herfruth litterally translates to forest. This forest is located to the north of Yrvenor at the foot of the Silver Band.  

Martyr's Wood

South of the Capital Yrvenor, named in honor of Faith the Martyr.    

Gouvernment & Political Structure

Political System in Theory

Silverdenn is a theocracy and ruled by the Church of the Creator, with the Holy Father as the head of gouvernment. Below the Holy Father, there are five Cardinals who answer directly to him.
Silverdenn is federalistically structured and divided into seven administrative units called Archdioceses, which in turn are devided into Dioceses. Each archdiocese encompasses a vast territory around one of the seven big cities of Silverdenn and is named the same way. They are each gouverned by one Archbishop, the rank below the cardinals in clerical hierarchy.
Lastly, there are the Bishops, who gouvern the Dioceses and the normal Pastors, which are responsible for their local flock.
As a theocracy, Silverdenn has no aristocracy with inherent claim to power. On paper the wealthy families have no influence on politics and everyone could rise to power in the creators light. As always, the actual situation is very different.  

Political System in Practice

way to many cardinals
families make sure their offspring is well educated and rises to power in the church
families "donate" graciously to the church of the creator
without proper eduction, connections and money, standart people have no realistic way of climbing the churches hierarchy
excessive powerstruggles withing the upper levels of the church  

Notable Cardinals

Cardinal Di Travino
◦ personal friend of the Holy Father
◦ oversees the Venatori
◦ considers Urban morally inflexible and naive
Cardinal Urban
◦ responsible for the governing aspects of the Church
◦ extremely strict in the rules of the religion
◦ hero of the country and most loved cardinal
◦ considers Di Travino morally rotten
Cardinal Gernitz
◦ oversees the Caliga
◦ uninterested in humans, only interested in destroying Fiends & Undead
Cardinal Varosh
◦ leads the Inquisition
◦ paranoid


Mer'Anin Vor'Anin Redblades Guodalir Chalia Osheria    

Factions & Powers

Order of the Silver Rose




Merchants Guild

Neighboring Nations


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