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The Cosmic Balance

The Balance, also known as the Cosmic Balance or Great Balance was a philosophical concept that decreed it was a multiversal necessity for the abstract forces of good and evil and/or law and chaos to be balanced and that no extreme of either should gain an upper hand over the other(s), under the notion that none of them could exist without their counterpart.   Balance has influenced the world in several occasions, but the most notable that we know of are:
  • It convinced the Aes Volari to imprison the Exiled Ones in a dimensional prison, similar to how the Dark One is imprisoned by the Creator
  • It provided the Aex Volari the means to defeat and imprison the Exiled Ones through its connection with the Aes Volari twins called Aven and Desora, and a pact it has made with one of the Aes Volari's own, Norganas.
  • It instructed the Aes Volari on the Cosmic Balance's tenets and provided them the means and power to create the most powerful version of divinity: The Divine Overseers Alpha and Omega.
  • Alpha and Omega's powers are directly derived from The Cosmic Balance, as long as they serve its philosophical interests.

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