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The Unbreakable Seals

These magic discs (around 12 inches in diameter) were made of an unbreakable material called Cuendillar. During the last years of the Age of Prosperity (1573 BB), the Aes Volari, emerging victorious from the War for the Source, opened the Bore (the dark one's prison) and accessed the Dark One's power to reach Godhood. To ensure the Dark One remained sealed in his prison, the unbreakable seals were created. Together, they were powerful enough to maintain the prison intact.  

Creation of the seals

12 seals were created for each plane of existence. These seals are all nearly identical in design and have no magical properties, other than the fact that they can never leave the plane on which the were created. All attempts to separate a seal from its original plane of existance will fail and the seal will remain in place.   The method of the seals' creation is lost, and only their creators, the Aes Volari , know it. However, it is clear to anyone that handles them that each seal is a magic item holding a staggering amount of magic potential. It should be noted that the seals do not function using the Weave, as they were created before the Weave even existed. Instead, they use a tremendous amount of Fundamental Energy , a type of energy derived by combining Saidin and Saidar energies. The large amount Fundamental Energy contained within each seal justifies the use of Cuendillar as a material base, as it is believed to be unbreakable.

On destroying the seals

In the unlikely event where a seal is destroyed, the boundaries of the prison that contains the Dark One are weakened. There is no fear of the Dark One being released as long as at least one seal from each plane remains intact. However, the more seals are destroyed in a plane, the greater influence the Dark One will have over the particular plane.


Material Plane

  • 3 in Allamir, protected by the Mer'anin
  • 3 in Ashmal, protected by the Vor'anin
  • 1 in Themis, protected by the Red Blade Army
  • 2 in Myfenor, protected by the High Elves
  • 3 unaccounted for, their last known locations were:
  • 2 in Themis
  • 1 in a dwarven citadel, protected by the dwarves. The citadel fell to undead hordes a long time ago. 
  • Plane of Fire





    Developments in the Current Era

    Due to the phoenomenon known as Fundamental Energy degradation, the seals have begun to deteriorate. What was once believed unbreakable is now crumbling to dust at the lightest touch, because even cuendillar cannot withstand the damaged caused by degraded Fundamental Energy.  

    Quest for the Seals on the material plane

    In the material plane, a group known as "the companions of dragoncastle" have begun a search for the lost seals. So far, their discoveries have been as follows:  
  • 1 of the 3 unaccounted seals was discovered in the ruins of the ancient dwarven stronghold Khundrukhar. It was destroyed after examination by a Mer'anin of the White Ajah, Alysann of the White.
  • 1 of the 2 remaining unaccounted seals was found in a tower near the borders of Asparia, Arissos and Silverdenn. It was kept safe in a cathedral dedicated to Saint Gaed. The Companions retrieved the seal, and are curretnly keeping it safe in their keep: Castle Thordos in Arissos.
  • The last unaccounted seal is allegedly in the posession of The Watcher, the religious leader of a tribe of Deep Ones. They are located somewhere in the inner sea.

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