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The Loom are a large sapiant species of amphibious jellyfish people having a ever flowing and a reletivly humanoid appearance these bioluminecent people are directly related to the smaller jellyfish that you might see in the many oceans.
Taxonomycly catagorised as such; Animalia, DiadeicCastas, CnidariaMedusozoa, ScyphozoaDiscomedusae, Semaeostomeae, Cerebrumidae, <Genus>

They have potent toxic stingers that they would ussualy use as a form of defend themselves, much like their direct reletives. but because of their adaptation of being massive and sapient, many use their stingers as lashing weapons, to rather frightening effect.

Basic Information



The Loom are directly related to jellyfish, making their biology largely the same; bell shaped jelly body's, venomous tentacles and a stomach found within the bell with a mouth directly connected to it. a couple adaptations are telepathy, the ability to fly/ hover above the ground and potent venom to name a phew.

Body Structure:

The Loom have 2 appearance types called their Born and Social appearance, the Born appearance of a Loom are that of normal looking large jellyfish. A social appearances looking a lot more humanoid having arms, legs and a torso composing of the same material as the jell of their bells, most Loom don't have any digits displayed because they use their tentacles to help pick up and manipulate objects.

Biology and Anatomy:


Much like their cousins the Loom are naturally luminous depending on the Loom's genetics the location colour and intensity varies, much like any other jellyfish, but the loom have some conscious level of control over their luminescent being ablet to stop start or partially intensify its effects.
The ability to provide luminosity comes from their lungs having proteins that react to oxygen causing their "nerve network" to emit a glow.
Natural Venom:

Because of their adaptation to growing significantly large and becoming (more?) cognitive, they live a very different life to most jelly fish bypassing most of their predators and finding new ones. though there is no particular creature that seeks to hunt the Loom and just the Loom un like other races they still have predators and competitors. The toxicity of a looms stinger is certainly something to fear as its only get stronger with age and use, being considered on the higher end of pain and severity of venoms, although its venom is rather wavery potentially because of some stingers contain more potent quantities of their venom wear as other might contain a smaller amount, the Looms venom having a chance to cause temporary paralysis.
Some times the Loom are hunted for their stingers to craft poisons and antidotes, going so fare that even some artificers and other magic crafters using them to construct magic items.
Lighter than Air

Because of their amphibiouse nature, while in the water the Loom function as any other ordinary jellyfish, but when above it instead of being a kind of pathetic flat pile of jelly washed up on the shore, they ramain adrift hovering over the land, with ability to fly a couple feet above the gound. This ability is something still not fully understood but for sanity sake its assumed because of their increased volume and negligible weight their bell can help prepel and parasure them on the air, with their tentacles lightly draging on the ground to top the from being picked up in a breaze.

Genetics and Reproduction

Looms have two genders, being capable to reproducing sexualy and asexualy, capable to reproducing in on land or water, capable of reproducing via eggs witch grow in to a polyp (effectivly a jellyfish plant), when one has sutably grown a segment called a bud will break off and that bud will develop in to a juvinile Loom called a ephyra as it ages it will mature in to its medusa stage becoming sexualy mature, were the sycle can repeat.

Growth Rate & Stages

The life span of a Loom is a rather odd one living through a couple different notable stages;
  1. Egg
  2. Nursery
  3. Free Moving/ Bloomed
  4. Shaping/ Adult

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Loom don't have to eat much to sustain themselves, being opetune hunters when left to their own devices favoring meat over plants, although they are still omniverouse. most looms only need to eat a meal once a week if it is atuned to their diet, being things that yealds large amounds of protin and salt not realy needing anything else as their bodys are very simple.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Loom habitats are found everyware were the oceans is warm and the wind strong, notisable by there large polyps that extend out of the sea letting off buds luck flowers in the wind in the Season of the Sun, some looms that live over land can happen on much higher ground sat at the top of mountains and over cliff edges.
There is only one royal loom habitat, being at the center of the singers sea aka: Drop. a trench under the ocean that is considered maybe even its own realm of existance going who knows how fare down. being able to habitate only that area the trench would be assumed to look pich black because of how fare downit is but the liminocity of the Loom make look hypnotic even from the surface.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Loom from their imediat appearance look to have no eyes, but acctualy have sensory organs doted all around them. very small but so many that quantitivly they work just the same, with the down side of not being able to see colour just shape but this is something that is only the case while in their born appearance. If in their "social" appearance they seem to have the ability to adapt part of their tissue to form teperary eyes that work.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most loom find having a name as a kind of odd consept, likely because comuninating in it self in not a inate thing to them and nowing and identifying someone gose as fare as either knowing someone or not, with appearance and personality being key definers "why would you need another word that defines you? you already have so many this is just one more."

Because of the fact finding a loom that bothers to keep a name is unfathumable rare already. with none of the very few having chosen their name themselves, because of the previously mentioned perspective.

Often if they are even intrested in having a name they might consult someone who they value the opinion of to give them one.

Loom Racial Traits

Ability Score increase
Your intelligence score increases by 1, and you may increase any other ability score by 2.
For the purpose of the sanity of your DM/GM sociable looms race from 5'6" to 8'0" tall your size is medium.
Your base walking speed is 10 feet, you have a flying speed of 30 feet.
You can breath in and out of water.
Sociable appearance
You can trandform in to a more humanoid form by consentrating for 1 minute to change beween forms. while you are in this humanoid form you size is reduced by 1 foot, and you assume the appearance of a translisent skined homanid with features that are decided while transforming. and your flying and walking speed are swaped.
Your unarmed attacks have the same stats as a whip, but instead dealing poison damadge. additionaly if your unarmed strike lands a criticul success the target is stuned for a round.
You communicate with your mind, being able to talk to any amount of people within 240 feet of you.
Scientific Name
Cerebrumidae <Genus>
15 - 45
Average Height
The size of Loom largely varies depending on who they genetics. with their born size influencing their social size
Short (born) sized Looms: 0.3 - 0.9 meters or 1'0" - 3'2" feet tall
Average to large (born) sized Looms: 1.7 - 2.4 meters or 5'6" - 8'0" feet tall

note: this is not for character creation purposes.
Royal (Ephyra stage) Loom: up to and exceeding 30 meters or 100 feet tall.
Royal (Medusa stage) Loom: averaging 4 -10 times its infant size.


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