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Aethra Sïderuis

Aethra Sïderuis (a.k.a. wayfarer of night)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Not small or very tall, just a normal height.
  • She's not fit perse, but she has traveled around and has overall a good physique

Body Features

  • Aethra's skin looks likes it's illuminated when you look at her from the right angles (must be from her starkind orgins)

Facial Features

  • Has small light freckles an rosy cheeks. She makes note to pinch them sometimes so the red will liven up her otherwish greysich face.
  • Aethra highlights her silver eyes whith a silvery metalic eyeshadow just to appear a little more as something mystique.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Aethra has a scar under her left eye that reaches till the bridge of her noise.

Physical quirks

  • Aethra is right handed but when she eats, she eats like someone who's left handed (fork in the wrong hand)

Apparel & Accessories

Aethra wears a dark attire. Her pants black, beautifully covered by what seems like a black dress that parts it's ways in the middle, hold together with 2 tiny bows, a dress that acts like a cloak. She wears a black viel, that's a little see through because of it's thin but warm material. The viel covers her eyes and her sholders and upper arms. It's ends neatly tied together in a knot on her back.    Above this said viel she wears a circlet made of glass beads. It's from this circlet that those same beads seem to fall down as tears, hiding her eyes even more. The circlet makes this enchanting but sad illusion of sadness, a mask of tears.   On her right (or is it left?) underarm she wears a leather piece, carved with some ornaments, so little they will go unoticed by most. Said piece was gifted by a lover long lost.


Religious Views


Defined as an illusion, received as a legend, remembered as a myth. Unseen in the shadows, silent in the night, she who carries an ancient light.

View Character Profile
chaotic neutral
unknow but as old as some stars
Date of Birth
Silvery with a light sage undertoon
grey in verious tones, with here streaks of black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light greyish/ purplish skin almost white
165 cm
54 kg


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