Category Identification Format Document in Trapper | World Anvil
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Category Identification Format

Currently Underoging Overhaul to the C.I.F. - Butcher

Below you'll learn and understand how to classify and document, separating registered beasts into categories and subclasses to give benefits and advantages to employees within beast and phenomena careers.
  Categories are assigned a number (1,2,3,...) along with a callsign to simplify formatting and memorization (Cattle, Vermin, Apex,...). Accompanying the majority of CIF is an assigned subclass (labeled alphabetically A,B,C,...) which further assists the accuracy of a beast's description and precautions when encountering one.    
An example of acceptable labeling of registered beasts:
Starskinner: Category 3C. Apex
Balka: Category 1B. Cattle
Porsulker: C2-B
Moungtoad: Mantis B
  • Category 1. 'Cattle'
  • Category 2. 'Vermin'
  • Category 3. 'Apex'
  • Category 4. 'Mantis'
  • Category 5. 'Cryptid'
  • Category 6. 'Sinner'
  • Category 7. 'Malum'


Category One (C1) refers to largely docile and easily tamed beasts. C1 species tend to be harmless and won't be prone to aggression unless under specific conditions. That is to say, not all Category One beasts are entirely safe, they are just as dangerous as their other violent counterparts but will not rely on their aggressive behavior for survival.     Because of their predominately docile nature, C1 beasts are easy to neutralize and can even be domesticated for agricultural benefits and companionship. However, C1 livestock is NOT a government-recognized agricultural resource and under any state or nation orders, C1 creatures can be ordered to be shot and culled on sight by trappers, Rangers, and civilians.   There are three subclasses of C1 beasts to further assist in narrowing the identification in CIF documents:
  • Category 1A is the identification of domesticated beasts used as pets by the public. 1A beasts must be licensed and assessed by a government official in the Department of Supernatural Affairs (DSA).
  • Category 1B is the identification of beast livestock that tend to be used by farmers and agriculturists to gather commodities such as milk, fur, wool, or meat.
  • Category 1C is the identification of wild yet unaggressive beasts that roam the lands fending for themselves.
To view examples and the current collection of knowledge on Category One beasts, refer to the Harvard Beastiary's section on 'Cattle Class Index'  


  Category two (C2) refers to untamed beasts with survivalist behaviors and are largely found in populated areas. C2 tends to be the core focus for most trappers, as most Vermin populations need culling to keep settlements safe and satisfied, and their large populations allow for fur trading businesses to thrive.   There are three subclasses of C2 beasts to further assist in narrowing the identification in CIF documents:
  • Category 2A is the identification of urban residing beasts with scavenger behavior. With similar characteristics to rats, pigeons, vultures, or cockroaches.
  • Category 2B is the identification of more widely-populated beasts. The most common encounter and commodity that trappers focus on as they have the most sought-after hides and furs to be sold commercially.
  • Category 2C is the identification of more territorial beasts that roam in large groupings and will attack any threats entering their domains.


  Category Three (C3) refers to beasts with superior hunting capabilities, usually tend to be medium to large in stature. C3 entities are extremely dangerous to civilians and are often the main source for Trappers to take down due to their danger in most settlements and properties. Being high on the food chain, their hunting capabilities can range from brute force to anomalistic properties.   DSA Trapper Stations in several counties organize bounties on any apex beasts with government-taxed compensation. It is also fairly common for townspeople to pool a bounty for any dangerous beasts affecting their home.   There are two subclasses of C3 beasts to further assist in narrowing the identification in CIF documents:
  • Category 3A is the identification of beasts similar to predatory animal species but with exaggerated features such as size, teeth, horns, claws, hide, tail, wings, and on occasions venom.
  • Category 3B is the identification of beasts with anomalous properties that give them an advantage in hunts, defense, and survival. Anomalous properties can vary from anything that defies the laws of nature such as breathing fire, changing weather, teleportation, time-alterations, intangible form, etcetera.


Category Four (C4) refers to beasts with mental-linking properties and psychological advantages. Though extremely rare, C4 beasts are extremely dangerous to confront and engage. Their supernatural perks can overwhelm their prey and can devastate a huge population of civilians if left unchecked. C4 beasts vary in specific telekinetic abilities which may include amnestic behavior, possession, emotion alterations, hallucinations, and hypnotic capabilities.   Only certified Trappers with a Mental Constitution Exam (MCE) Certificate are permitted to confront and dispose of C4 beasts.   There are three subclasses of C4 beasts to further assist in narrowing the identification in CIF documents:
  • Category 4A is the identification of beasts with hallucinating properties used to defend or gain an advantage on prey. These properties may include Altering environments, conjuring figmentations, and overall altering and tricking sensory organs of prey to lower their guard.
  • Category 4B is the identification of beasts with influential capabilities that can change the incentive and body control of their prey. The most common traits in Category 4B beasts are hypnotism and possession of cognitive and/or motor skills, obeying the predator, and making themselves defenseless mentally and physically.
  • Category 4C is the identification of beasts with memetic capabilities used in altering emotional responses and applying amnestics resulting in prey or civilians forgetting locations, short-term memory, or even long-term memories.

Category 5. Cryptid

Category Five (C5) refers to confirmed or unconfirmed beasts with a well-known urban legend, folktale, myth, or rumor dating prior to the discovery of beasts and phenomena in the western frontier. These types of beasts are separated into their own category due to being the unofficial earliest reportings of these types of beasts, which can also be prone to fabrications. C5 beasts are the most well-known creatures globally and can vary in size, behavior, and danger.   Current 5A have been fairly common in possessing anomalous properties, such as the 'Wendigo' who has no internal organ cavity yet has an insatiable hunger.   There are two subclasses of C5 beasts to further assist in narrowing the identification in CIF documents:
  • Category 5A is the identification of a CONFIRMED cryptid with proof to support its existence. Key evidence for governemnt officals to approve of existense is retireval of the specimen or its corpse fully intact, with additional evidence to reinforce the decision such as photographs, key eyewitness reports, hair and tissues smaples, and loation of nest or domain.
  • Category 5B is the identification of UNCONFIRMED cryptids that have either not been discovered outside of their initial reports or do not have enough physical proof to be fully registered as real. However, The Department of Beast and Phenomena Affairs still encourages documentation and classification of these specific crpytids in ever the case they do happen to encounter one, but is vaguely descripted and ofcuses more on its description in its legends.

Category 6. Sinner

  Category six (C6) refers to humanoid beasts or humans who have taken up a more monstrous form outside the laws of nature. In this old world with older mysteries, there are forces out that can corrupt and alter human beings into a entity that can threaten and harm others. Some of these 'beasts' tend to have human consciousness and/or even understand human speech .     There are four subclasses of C6 beasts to further assist in narrowing the identification in CIF documents:
  • Category 6A is the identification of creatures considered conscious but WERE NEVER formerly human. Homonculses
  • Category 6B is the identification of creatures considered consciousness but WERE formerly human. This subclass includes common folktale monsters including vampires, skinwalkers, and Inanis.
  • Category 6C does not have a coherent consciousness but was formerly human. Undead

Category 7. Malum (IN PROGRESS)

  Category seven (C7) beasts refer to an almost unkillable force of nature that can decimate large amounts of lives in an extremely short time.   state of emergency


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