Connor Dufresne Character in Trapper | World Anvil
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Connor Dufresne

Dufresne (Doo-Frain) - of French Origin

A renowned trapper who is on a path of atonement with a hellhound on his heel. Main Protagonist in the Trapper Series.  


- Early Life

Born in Kirk, Colorado in the open prairie lands of the new west, Connor 'Dufresne' McCarthy was the son of an Irish Immigrant, Michael 'Mickey' McCarthy, and a High Paw Clan Native called Hedow. Gifted the golden complexion of his mother, and the soft pale blue eyes of his father.   Connor's father was a trapper. He and his wagon trail of migrant families would travel west past the Mississippi to claim a piece of land for themselves. Trapping became a natural career path as often the gang would be attacked by various beasts and horrors. The family would sell the pelts to passing outposts, and it soon became a lucrative job for all.   Raised on the road, Connor learnt the tools of the trade at an early age. His father taught him horseback and hunting, while his mother taught him how to track prey and skin the kills. He never gained a formal education. But was raised on stories and lessons from his parents and travelling companions.

- The Raid

Unfortunately, as the McCarthy gang travelled further west, so did their wealth. Higher taxes in scarce areas and higher competition left the McCarthys and many other families with only the possessions they carried.   To find more funds and support their families, Mickey and his gang looked for odd jobs to make ends meet. A client wished to hire the men for a rather risky but profitable heist. To rob the Flying Bluenose, a passenger train that was notified to have valuable assets travelling with it. To set his family up for good, Mickey accepted the job and soon robbed the train. The heist was infamous. Not only did they steal what they needed, but through confusion and adrenaline a man and his son were shot on a carriage, dying from their injuries.   The deaths of the father and son sent shockwaves throughout the wild west. Law enforcement made tracking the culprits of the heist a top priority.   With too much heat on the robbery and fear of being linked to the crime, the client who hired Mickey and his men tipped off the local law enforcement on their whereabouts.   On the morning of April 3rd, 1877, The McCarthy gang were raided by law enforcement, taking the majority of the suspects by surprise. Many were gunned down and chaos ensued. Almost no one was spared. Frontier justice. The young Connor, a scared child witnessed his mother gunned down by the law officials, and his father was nowhere to be seen. He was only ten years old.   In the surrounding chaos and confusion, Connor escaped the raid into the wilderness.  

- The Lone Kid

Orphaned at a young age, Connor had to survive the wilderness on his own. Luckily his parents raised him to live off the land, allowing him to survive longer than most children would.   The child grew up angry. Filled with hatred. His life was ripped from him, his face was scoffed at by white men. He was either hated for being the son of a native woman or the son of an Irishman. His last name 'McCarthy' posed too much suspicion of being related to the now 'notoriously dangerous outlaw' of a father he had. To protect himself on the road, he named himself after his father's favourite horse Dufresne (Doo - Frain) meaning ashen tree in French.   As he reached his teens, Connor Dufresne would take odd jobs to get by. Working in stables, felling trees, clearing snow; jobs that hide him from scrutiny and harassment.   His inner temper fueled determination. Being a hard worker at any job given. Never half-asses a job, but always brings total dedication to his objective. Headstrong and methodical.    Though he can live off the warm meals after a hard day's work for the rest of his life, it wasn't what he was raised to be. Deep down he knew his story was set in stone on what he has to become.   A Trapper. A hunter of beasts of supernatural origin.   It's what his mother was, and his cowardly father.  

- The New Trapper

In the early years of his trapping career, Connor proved to be an effective hunter  His childhood of tracking and hunting with his parents conditioned him to think outside the box with tactics and strategies when catching beasts.   Utilising the effective native engineering of traps, and access to modern firearms such as single-bore rifles and repeaters, Dufresne started cashing in high quantities of pelts and meat in such a short period.  His advantage of learning horseriding at such a young age comes in handy on occasions. Enabling him to chase down any fleeing prey with agility and grace.   His reputation in the trapping community grew, but with more people knowing his name, more became spiteful of him.   Because of his mixed ethnicity, Dufresne faced harsh discrimination amongst the white folk. Natives were still considered savages by the American Government. With the perpetual news spreading of Indian raids and battles fought the country grew a stigma towards those with roots in the land. Outposts began declining his stock, he would be taxed more in his earnings, and often other hunters would sabotage his living. Destroying traps, demolishing campsites and even stealing his kills.   He began to struggle to make ends meet. The odds are always stacked against him no matter what occurs. What is he to do? slowly wilt away his earning until he becomes nothing?    Connor Dufresne then started to understand he was standing at the exact crossroads his father had to face.     His father was that thief.    The thief...    

- The Pelt Bandit

If people saw him as a stealing savage. Then a stealing savage he will be.   Connor Dufresne began a dark period of his life in which he robbed hunters at gunpoint for their money, supplies, and kills. Smaller crimes compared to his father, but less risk involved.   The more hold-ups he instigated, the more he began showing his aggressive side. Assaulting individuals, torturing the non-compliant, and even on occasions of self-defence,  shooting them. Morals were secondary to survival, and for Connor, that meant a steady stream of money to satiate the struggles he endured.   Greed and Violence. The pillars of the new Frontier.   One evening, when sticking up a Kingfisher Company carriage for its contents he encounters an earth-shattering discovery.   The wagon carrying innocent farmers and townsfolk. stripped of clothes, and covered in dirt and soot. Fear plasters every face as they look through Connor. Rounded up like animals. Sent to an unknown fate. The Kingfisher workers show no remorse, only inconvenience from this amateurish robbery.   His twisted morals flow out of him like the blood in his cheeks. The horror. The Evil. The Wickedness of what men can be. He has to help these people. He has to save them! before anything hap-   BANG   -and before the thought could finish, a gunshot goes off.   Shock hits Connor's system. Looking down to his chest; his shirt absorbs the thick dark blood from the wound and collapses into the snow.     Lying in the bed of snow with a gunshot to the chest. The one chance to be the right person, to be a good person, lies dead along with him...

- The Hell Hound

Connor's eyes open up to the snowy clearing.   Raising the hairs on his back. The sense of something always behind him.    A man like Connor is extremely lucky to be given a second chance in life like this, but it does not come free. Those who return from the grave to redeem themselves must prove themselves just. They become marked. Marked by a creature who will slowly but restlessly hunt them to the ends of the earth.   A hellhound.   A force of nature that does not sleep, does not eat and does not stop until it catches its sinner and drags them back to the flames of hell below. Only until their soul is considered just will the hellhound retreat back to its domain.   Connor's intuition screams to him to keep moving and avoid who or what is after him. The most common tactic for all those who suffered the same fate.   Weeks passed, months, and even seasons. Connor manages to avoid the hellhound for quite some time. But constantly moving proves tiresome. Is this gonna be his entire life? Is this what I'm gonna do with my second chance?   The blind prophet who stares at the graveyard notices Connor's presence. Feeling a dark force attached to him. After him. Fleeing is easy, yes, but you can't outrun death forever. But what you can do   Starts protecting the community from criminals and monsters   To restore his soul, his honour, and his reputation. Connor Dufresne must now venture to become the righteous man he was meant to be.   

Virtues and Perks

Connor has a soft spot for horses. Growing up with them in his childhood, he enjoyed their personality.   Connor currently cares for Piston. An Appleloose Stallion who he rescued from a destroyed outpost that was attacked by a Wendigo.  

Vices and Flaws

Connor Dufresne is illiterate. Not being able to read or write. He can understand symbols and numbers.   Though on the path of atonement to save his soul, Connor still struggles to stifle his long history of rage. When all the cards of a situation are dealt, his last resort will be brutish.


  • Disposed of a king-sized Wendigo on his lonesome
  • Revealed information to law officials of the illegal poaching ring under the Kingfisher Company
  • Fended off a Devil Ram attempting to snatch a pregnant woman's baby while in labour
  • Tracked down a group of brothers wanted for the murder of aHunt Warden
  • Occupation
    Date of Birth
    October 8th, 1867
    Kirk, Colorado
    Caucasian/ Native American
    5'11" (180cm)
    Pale Blue
      Current Location
    Woodend, Montana
    Pictured Above: The registered Trapping Insignia of Connor Dufresne


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