Eruption of Yellowstone Physical / Metaphysical Law in Trapper | World Anvil
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Eruption of Yellowstone

A historical disaster that took place in 1896 in which the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted and blasted massive clouds of poisonous smoke into the sky. With various conspiracies recounting a 'creature' emerging from the mountainscape.  


- Before Eruption

During the months leading up to the great disaster, various tremors were reported in the local areas around Yellowstone.    Seismologists in the area began probing and investigating the perpetual tremors in hopes of getting to the bottom of the mystery. Their findings concluded that the origins of the Yellowstone area being classified as a supervolcano or ecological wonder. In which the supervolcano has laid dormant for nearly 2 million years. The frequent tremors were bad omens.   Though seismologists took their findings to government officials to push their leaders to enact protocols in such a situation, the legislature was passed too late...  

- May 4th, 1896

On May 4th 1896, in the early hours of the morning, the thunders of the earth were felt.   A magnitude 9.5 earthquake shook the Yellowstone region into chaos. Blooms of thick black smoke erupted from various channels that were cracked from the destruction.    The black smoke darkened the sky, trapping the sun from casting its light on the manner. As if hiding the very horrors from god himself. Eyewitnesses in Orgeon can report seeing black clouds grow beyond the horizon.   The mountainscape shifted and crumbled, falling amongst the sea of trees beneath it. Landslides plummeted down towards towns and outposts, trapping many innocents in the rubble. Buildings and residencies fell on themselves, killing any who were trying to find shelter within.   The lakes of the region thrashed amongst its banks, causing rapid flooding and disruption to any rivers within the area.   It's estimated that the majority of workers located within Outpost Abigail and Outpost Bessie (Research and Mining outposts located on the sides of the Yellowstone mountain range) did not make it out by the time of the eruption.  


States of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana were impacted the hardest by the eruption. Many towns and settlements were destroyed by shifting landscapes and felled trees. Strongly built cities such as Woodend were unaffected and began supply runs to those affected by the disaster.   Though the incident was classified as a volcanic incident, no lava or magma was present during the moment of destruction.  

- The Reaping Clouds

The poisonous gas clouds that erupted from the Yellowstone mountains shifted Southwest of the continent towards Deseret, California, and the New Mexico Territory. The heavy smoke caused respiratory issues to many families and workers within the areas. Reports of coughing, heavy breathing, and nausea were common amongst most residents. Those who were exposed to the smoke for long periods suffered from oxygen deprivation and eventual death.   State governors and officials put out emergency announcements to the residents of these states. Informing them to stay inside and wear a cloth around their mouths and noses to filter out any dangerous elements until the area was deemed clear of smog. The trail of smoke eventually departed the continent two months after the eruption.    But not without taking so many lives with it.    An estimated 1200 people perished during this period.    The anguish and grief this byproduct made coined the antagonistic nickname 'The Reaping Clouds'.  

Witness Reports

- Witness Testimonials

Below are testimonials from individuals who witnessed the events of the day.  
"For the fleeting moments I watched the smoke rise, I thought the rapture came for me for sure."
- Katherin Turner, Recounting her expereinces during the eruption, 1896
" I saw men and women crushed under their very houses. The ground hasn't even stopped shaking and all the life around me has gone still."
- Martin Mint, Recounting his expereince during the eruption, 1896
" A country falls silent today. though we stand still for those who have departed us, we must keep strong for them. We must keep moving. To restore the integretiy and community that forged this country into what it is today. We must keeping moving. God Bless us all, and God Bless America."
- President Grover Cleveland, Speech in the aftermath of the Yellowstone Eruption, 1896
"I woke up to see my hand pinned down by a boulder. I couldn't even feel the pain. It pulled apart like ribbon as I started to stumble through the destroyed forest."
- James Maddison, Recounting his injury bestowed on him during the event, 1897

- Strange Sightings

some speculate they saw a sort of creature emerge from the erupting mountainscape. However, there is no concrete evidence at this time showing any signs of a state-sized monster roaming the area.  
"So much was happening. But I did see it. I saw the mountain rise higher and higher to the sky. And I saw its jaw open wide."
- Walter Witwicky, Recounting what he saw during the eruption, 1897
"I live in a land where children get kidnapped in ther beds by demon women, and yet what i've witnessed to too farfetched to believe? Hypocrites, the lot o' them."
- Emma Fitzpatrick, Replying to dismissive remarks given to her, 1896
    Pictured Left: Ink drawing of a 'creature'
emerging from the mountain (1896)       .
"The clouds blackened into the night sky. The growling of earth shakes bark off trees. All I remember seeing before engulfed by the dancing smoke was something emerging out of it."
- Yelena Schultz, Eye-Witness to the eruption, 1896
May 4th 1896
Est. 2,800 Confirmed Dead
Est. 4,100 Confirmed Missing
Est. 11,000 Injured in the Event
  Impacted Areas
  Affected Areas
New Mexico Territory
Pictured Above: drawing depicting residents fleeing from the eruption (1896)


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