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The Lonely Chapel, Montana

An abandoned chapel deep in the wilderness of Montana. Various flowers and herbs are planted to ward off monsters and spirits from the area, creating a safe sanctuary.


by Butcher (via Midjourney)
The Lonely Cabin's main purpose is to prevent external threats linked to supernatural origins from entering the perimeter. This allows a secure sanctuary or resting area for any trappers or civilians who may have wandered into the area.   The range of flowers, herbs, and roots that scatter the outside perimeter of the chapel are key substances used to ward off and protect humans from beasts and spirits. Not even demons or hellhounds can cross the boundaries.


by Butcher (via Midjourney)
The chapel is reminiscent of European origins, mainly small Christian churches formed in farming or serfdom regions. This comprises of wooden panel walls, sharp bevelled roofing, and a steeple that holds a holy symbol or church bell.   The exterior walls are covered in various signage, parchments, symbols, and wreaths that contribute to the defence of the building. A few bullet holes and claw marks scatter the surfaces, possibly to indicate a standoff.   The interior of the chapel comprises of wooden furniture tailored to a Christian chapel aesthetic: rows fo pews, an altar, and a ceramic stand for holy water. However with recent 'renovations' the intended use of the facilities no longer apply.    Vibrant wreaths of flowers coat the altar, with the surrounding walls littered with various symbols and markings from multiple cultures.



The flowerbeds that surrounds the chapel consists of many flowers and herbs used for botanical protection against monsters and spirits. These include:  
  • Amaranth
  • Blackberry Bushes
  • Marigolds
  • Coriander
  • Dandelions,
  • Juniper Trees
All these plants are not entirely common to the area they reside. Some are not native to Montana and would be nearly impossible to grow with its climate.

Wreaths and Talisman

Coating the walls both inside and outside of the chapel are holy symbols and paganistic markings. Protection circles litter the floor, written with blood or salt.   Wreaths decorate the interior with botanical delights such as garlic (which amplifies the effect of surrounding flowers and herbs), blackberries, juniper and hawthorn. Though dried, are still extremely potent. Musking the air in fusions of earth and floral scents.


The facility is extremely isolated in the deep woods of Northern Montana. Most people would not stumble by the building unless with prior knowledge of its whereabouts. This allows for an effective safe house for those hunted by sentient threats, or those that can wield a rifle.


Not much evidence of the chapel's origin is known. But with its architecture and layout, it suggests a small convent of Christians built it as a temporary house of worship while setting up camp nearby. The chapel is theorized to have been erected sometime after the 19th century.   How it became abandoned is uncertain, but few notable factors indicate the convent was attacked or scared off. Claw marks can be seen within the interior and roof of the chapel, suggesting the patrons inside were threatened by some hellish beast and fled for their safety.   Leaving the building to be claimed by nature.   The redecoration of paganistic symbols and flowerbeds may have been placed in the aftermath of the chapel's abandonment. Occasional sightings and fears of witches were spread into every deep crevice of the United States.    With covens using the space for ritual practises, linking the botanical magic embedding around the area the area.   The Lonely Chapel is flooded with mystery and uncertainty in its history. Its true intentions are never fully understood.  But what is known is that people no longer flock to this place anymore; whether it's instinct or knowing what truly lies there...
by Butcher (via Midjourney)
Pictured Above: Flowered wreath located within the chapel, 1870
Wilderness, Montana, USA
by Butcher (via Midjourney)

Cover image: by Butcher (via Midjourney)


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