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Acadie is an agricultural, nonindustrial, pre-rich world with a growing agro-economy, but still lacks an adequate population to expand its economy to a rich status.  
  • As an agricultural world, this world is a near-ideal environment for producing quality foodstuffs of plant, animal, and other forms. Quality foodstuffs are a major export commodity for this world.
  • It requires extensive imports of outside technology to maintain a modern, star-faring society. Having to import most manufactured and high tech goods drives the price up for these items at this world.
  • This world has promising economic future although it needs to recruit a larger labor force in order to achieve the desired prosperity.
  • It is a Non-Aligned world dominated by human sophonts located in the New Islands Subsector of Reft Sector.
  • This world is controlled from Amondiage (Reft 2325).


Acadie is a remote planet located in the Old Islands Sector of the Reft, far from the Third Imperium of Man. Despite its distance from the Imperium, it is still a valuable world due to its abundant natural resources. The planet has a climate similar to Earth, with deep forests covering much of its surface, and numerous mineral deposits that make it an attractive target for mining operations.


Acadie's diverse ecosystem is home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including large predators such as the Acadian lion and the sabre-toothed tiger. The forests are also home to numerous herbivores, including deer, elk, and bison. The planet's oceans teem with life, including large schools of fish and other aquatic creatures.

Ecosystem Cycles

Acadie's ecosystem is subject to cyclical changes, with the planet experiencing periodic droughts and forest fires. These natural phenomena are a necessary part of the planet's ecosystem, helping to promote new growth and allowing the native species to adapt to changing conditions.

Localized Phenomena

Acadie is also known for its unique natural phenomena, including the bioluminescent forests that glow at night and the shimmering crystal formations found deep in the planet's mines. These phenomena have made Acadie a popular destination for tourists and adventurers seeking to explore the planet's natural wonders.


Acadie has a temperate climate, with mild temperatures and moderate rainfall. The planet's forests are dense and humid, with abundant vegetation and wildlife. The planet's oceans are also relatively temperate, with a range of aquatic life inhabiting its waters.

Fauna & Flora

The planet's forests are dominated by towering trees and underbrush, with a diverse range of flora and fauna inhabiting its various ecosystems. The planet is known for its large predators, including the Acadian lion and the sabre-toothed tiger, as well as numerous herbivores such as deer, elk, and bison. The oceans are home to a variety of fish and other aquatic creatures.

Natural Resources

Acadie is a rich source of natural resources, including mineral deposits that are mined for a variety of purposes. The planet is also home to vast forests that are used for lumber and other wood products. The oceans surrounding the planet are also a valuable source of fish and other seafood.


Acadie's history is a long and complicated one. The planet has been inhabited by humans for several centuries, and during this time, it has undergone many changes. At first, the planet was a colony established by the Terran Confederation. The Terran Confederation, which was a major power in the galaxy at the time, used Acadie as a base for mining and exploration operations in the Reft Sector. However, the Confederation collapsed due to internal conflicts, and Acadie became a relatively isolated world. During the following centuries, Acadie developed a unique culture and economy. The planet's deep forests and abundant mineral deposits made it a valuable resource for the various factions that controlled the Reft Sector. Acadie was fought over by various pirate bands, warlords, and minor powers for many years. However, despite the conflicts and instability, the planet managed to survive and even thrive. The people of Acadie developed a strong sense of community and independence, and this allowed them to weather many storms.   The current situation on Acadie is a difficult one. The planet is in the midst of a massive strike, which has paralyzed much of its economy. The workers are demanding better pay, working conditions, and more control over the resources of the planet. The government, which is closely tied to the mining and logging companies, has responded with force, using the local police and private security forces to crack down on the striking workers. The situation has become increasingly violent, with clashes between the strikers and the law enforcement becoming more frequent.   Motifa Quintana, the military dictator of Amondiage, has been watching the situation on Acadie closely. She sees an opportunity to expand her power and influence in the Reft Sector by taking control of the planet. Motifa has sent her agents to Acadie to offer support to the striking workers and to sow discord among the local authorities. She hopes to use the chaos and instability to her advantage, and to eventually establish Amondiage as a major power in the Reft Sector.   Despite the challenges facing Acadie, the people of the planet remain proud and determined. They believe that they have the right to control their own destiny, and that they will eventually overcome the obstacles they face. The strike has brought many of the workers together, and they have formed strong bonds of solidarity and mutual support. While the situation is tense, many on Acadie believe that they are on the cusp of a new era, one in which they will be able to shape their own future.


Despite its remote location and occasional conflict, Acadie remains a popular destination for tourists and adventurers seeking to explore its natural wonders. Visitors can hike through the bioluminescent forests, explore the crystal mines, or even go on safari to see the planet's exotic wildlife up close. However, due to the planet's current political situation, travel to Acadie can be risky and is not recommended for those who are easily intimidated or unprepared for potential danger.
Universal World Profile: C868563-9
Alternative Name(s)
Eurisko, Wendy & Château-Thierry
Location under

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