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Theev - 2116 A434500-F NA DI

Most believe Theev to be a myth. The fabled thieves’ port, the pirate’s refuge where lawlessness is king and the Imperium’s police cutters and patrols cannot reach – some tales place it in District 268, others in the middle of the Great Reft, others in Vargr space. In truth, Theev is quite real, and just as lawless and dangerous as the stories claim.   The planet is an unremarkable dustball, similar to Mars on a good day. The main city, Blacksand City, is built on top of a series of plateaus linked by sealed walkways. Ships are landed out of sight in the chasms between the plateaus; bars and other entertainments are built into the sides of these chasms. Anything and everything is for sale in Theev – the city’s main business is supplying raiders with weaponry and fencing stolen goods, especially cargoes stolen from traders heading for the Florian League or the Aslan Hierate. Theev’s shipyards are infamous, producing advanced models of corsair and equipping pirate vessels with cutting-edge military-grade weapons.   The city is lawless, but the pirate lords who rule it punish those who use excessive violence. Stab some fool in a bar, and the body can be dumped down the chasm and forgotten about, but bring anything heavier than a laser pistol to a fight, and you’ll be down that chasm with your throat cut faster than you can say ‘my, the pirate lords of Blacksand City certainly have efficient assassins working for them’.   Theev’s survival is something of a mystery. It is only three parsecs away from the military base at Realgar, easily within range of patrols. Any number of Aslan warriors has sworn to wipe out that den of thieves and vipers, and while most of these are idle boasts, an aggressive Aslan could make it across the sector and strike at Theev. Then, too, there is the mystery of how Theev started, and how it is always well stocked with the latest weapons and ship parts. Someone is behind Theev, someone who is an enemy of peace and civilisation in the Trojan Reach.
7°C (20°C high, -50°C)
1,500 pascals (Earth: 102KPa)
Mesopheric - 100 km altitude
Low Pressure
Thermal tides from solar heating
Dust Storms
61 km/h (gusts: 94 km/h)

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Articles under Theev - 2116 A434500-F NA DI


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