
The Daryen or Darrians of Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) are a Minor Human Race with a human appearance and technologically advanced sophonts.


Daryen are Humans who have developed independently on Darrian. Some Solomani blood is evident as Solomani traders encountered Darrian in -1511 and provided them with sufficient technology to explore the subsector.  

Anatomy & Physiology

Physiologically, Darrians sport a number of adaptations resulting from their homeworld's environment. However most are not apparent at a glance. The noticeable differences lie in their golden pigmentation, slight build, and pointed ears. Their biology remains closely enough linked to allow interbreeding with the Solomani.
  Nearly 40% of Darrians are left-handed or ambidextrous. Equipment designs reflect this by being neutral as to handedness. The larger than average bridge between the two halves of the Darrian brain may be a cause for this trait as well as a factor in inventiveness and mathematical ability. Musical talent is also widespread.  

Evolution & Environment

The Darrian physiology is a result of adapting to the alien environment. Darrians are generally tall and thin, averaging just over 2m in height and 78kg in weight. Their most significant adaption is the ability to digest a normally indigestible amino acid native to Darrian. They are poorly insulated as they do not develop subcutaneous fat layers very readily. Instead, their metabolism adjusts quickly to the available food supply, whether feast or famine. This adjustable internal "furnace" allows Darrians to be comfortable in a much colder climate, as long as food is available.
  Protomelanin skin pigmentation protects Darrians from ultraviolet radiation, without the need for acquiring a tan. It absorbs UV light without darkening in response and controls Vitamin D production in any amount of sunlight. Usual Darrian skin colour is golden or greyish tan, and their hair is white or light-toned. Intermarriage with Solomani immigrants (largely of Semitic stock) introduced somewhat ruddier skin tones based on melanin pigments or darker hair, but only one or the other skin pigments occur, not a mixture.
  The low gravity of Darrian means that, on average, Darrians are weaker than Imperials. However, they have faster reaction times and acute sight and hearing. Dexterity is highly valued along with mental agility, and most educational systems in the Darrian Confederation attempt to develop both.
  Certain Darrian traits have been traced to retroviruses present in the environment. A few were able to meld successfully with Terran genes and produce favourable adaptions. For instance, Darrians can metabolise and thrive on a high concentration of ozone in the high altitudes of their atmosphere.  


  • Hyper-acclimatization: Known to quickly adapt to many different climates and environments.
  • Requires shelter and clothing.
  • Prefer to shelter in defensible dens protected from the elements.


Ethnic Darrians usually display a stoic, tolerant air.  


  • Achievement
  • Curiosity
  • Technophilia
  • Philosophy (Mindset)
Darrian society is characterized more by individual's avocations than their vocations. Darrians have a keen fascination with all sorts of knowledge, encouraged by their educational system. Many Darrians develop an avocation of research, selecting a broad topic of interest and spending a lifetime following that topic.
  Darrians differentiate between original and secondary research. Original research usually requires extensive equipment and supplies. Even when published, results are often not understood. Secondary research is an analysis of published information in a search for new correlations and conclusions. Many Darrians have composed at least one analysis of existing research; some become experts in their field. Every secondary researcher on Darrian dreams of making a world-shaking discovery by taking two or more published pieces of research and using them to produce wholly unexpected or previously unsuspected results.  

Language & Letters

The Darrian language, known as Te-Zlodh, or Te-Zapet, originally the language of the Zlodh Basin is the common language spoken by the people of the Darrian worlds.  


Darrians typically have three names.
  • First name: zem te-mizbek, family name. This is inherited from the father, and is kept for a person’s lifetime. The family name is never used alone.
  • Second name: zem te-natel, birth name. This is given to a baby by its parents, most often immediately after birth. It usually refers either to a personal characteristic or to a flower. During youth and adolescence, the child is known by this name, or a diminutive.
  • Third name: zem te-rutin, taken name. When a Darrian reaches legal age (17 Darrian standard years, corresponding to 19.7 Imperial standard years), he or she chooses a taken name. In adult life, the person is known by this name.
When a Darrian is addressed by a relative or a close friend, the taken name alone is used. Formal address is by family name and taken name. The full, three-piece name is used only in writing or for full identificalion. Titles are added before or after the name, as appropriate. Proper use of the name is essential to correct manners  

Culture & Society

The Darrians have a very tolerant society with inhabitants from many different cultures, who practice many different philosophies and religions (belief systems). Confederation inhabitants are known for their focus in scholastic and technological activities.
  One of the primary Darrian values is a strong belief in curiosity and the scientific method. Pursuant to this value, Darrians have formed many different academic institutions, and it is a rare Darrian urban area that isn't a university town. Even some very rural areas maintain significant institutions of learning.
  Darrian Travellers have the following modifiers to their characteristics:
STR-1, DEX+1, END-1, INT+1, EDU+1


Darrian Travellers all possess the following traits.
  • Heightened Senses: Darrians have slightly better hearing and vision than humans, granting DM+1 to any Recon or Survival check involving those senses
  • Ozone Immunity: Darrians are able to safely metabolise ozone due to a naturally occurring retrovirus present in their cells. Darrians take no damage from ozone poisoning.
  • Temperature Resistance: Darrians are somewhat resistant to heat and cold damage due to their variable metabolism. They suffer -1 less damage from extremes of temperature in their environment.


AGE Darrian Travellers begin their careers at 18 standard years of age. At this point, they have the mandatory choices of entering university or joining one of the military branches. The first four year term must be spent completing this service before a Darrian is allowed to continue with another career.


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