Aslan in Traveller: Eden | World Anvil
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The Aslan are the youngest of the great powers, an expansionist race of feuding clans and predatory warriors, eager to seize all the universe has to offer. Aslan are descended from four-limbed carnivorous pouncer stock which was originally near the top of the food chain in the forests of their homeworld, Kusyu. True to their pouncer ancestry, Aslan are capable of short bursts of speed somewhat greater than that manageable by humans. They also have slightly superior hearing and night vision. Otherwise, they are one of the most humanlike of all alien races.

Aslan Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR+2, DEX-2

Aslan Travellers all possess the following traits.

Dewclaw: All Aslan have a dewclaw which can be extended to make for a vicious close combat weapon. The dewclaw uses the Melee (natural) skill and does 1D+2 damage.

Heightened Senses: Aslan have better night vision, hearing and sense of smell than humans. All Aslan receive DM+1 to any Recon and Survival checks they have to make.


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