Bwap in Traveller: Eden | World Anvil
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Bwaps can be found throughout the Imperium, and are also known as Wabs or (a more derogatory term) Newts, due to their appearance. Body markings vary tremendously between clans and families, with each having a distinctive skin pattern. This pattern is determined by genetic factors and colours are determined by careful manipulation of the mother’s diet during the formation of the egg. Greens, browns, yellows and blues are most common, in contrasting shades.

Bwaps are uncomfortable in less than 98% humidity, as their skin must be kept moist, though with special clothing, they can exist indefinitely in areas of low humidity, provided they have adequate water. Their clothing normally consists of a loosely fitting garment and hood, permeated with a network of fine tubes through which water flows and keeps the cloth moist. In occupations where they must handle items which would suffer from moisture, Bwaps wear thin water-proof gloves. Humans often consider Bwaps obsessed with minutiae and order in their environment. Driven by the desire to put everything in its proper place, they make excellent bureaucrats, mathematicians, scientists, and historians.

Bwap Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR-4, END-4

Bwap Travellers all possess the following traits.

Structured Mind: Bwaps have a very logical way of thinking and make for excellent administrators. All Bwaps receive a permanent Boon on all Admin and Science checks. However, if a Bwap ever tests for psionic potential, it does so with a Bane.
Bwap Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR-4, END-4

Bwap Travellers all possess the following traits.

Structured Mind: Bwaps have a very logical way of thinking and make for excellent administrators. All Bwaps receive a permanent Boon on all Admin and Science checks. However, if a Bwap ever tests for psionic potential, it does so with a Bane.


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