Dynchia in Traveller: Eden | World Anvil
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The Dynchia (pronounced DIN-chee-ah) are a minor humanoid race originating in a region trailing of the Eden sector. Dynchia (the same word is used as both singular and plural) are about 2.2 metres in height and weigh about 100 kilograms, being slender and long-limbed. Skin tones range from pale to bronze-tan; hair colour is usually brown or black but white or silver-white is also common. Hair fibres are soft and silky, and hair runs in a bushy mane down to the small of the back. Facial hair is non-existent.

The Dynchia have six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, however the most striking difference between the Dynchia and the rest of Humaniti is their jaw structure. Rather than possessing separate teeth, the Dynchia have a single fused structure, which also includes the bones making up what would be the upper and lower
jaw on a human. The dental structure is optimised for the consumption of meat, with fang-like protrusions and a powerful, tearing bite.

Culturally, the Dynchia are very different to most other species in that they appear to have no instinct to possess territory and no instinctive protectiveness towards females. Generally speaking, a tribe or even a whole species can survive the loss of a large proportion of its males but the loss of child-bearing females is a threat to long-term survival. A protective instinct is thus useful to primitive societies and then painfully unlearned as technology evens traditional gender roles. The Dynchia have no vestiges of this instinct, suggesting that no unlearning was necessary – males and females must have operated equally throughout even primitive history.

The lack of territorial instinct manifests itself as social rather than place identity. A Dynchia will not consider themselves a citizen of a particular world but of a clan that is in turn part of a tribe. Locations have no real significance, although good resources or a favourable climate will be appreciated as much by a group of Dynchia as any other species. Dynchia have fought over resources and against outsiders in their history but a settlement that provides what a group needs will always be acceptable even if it means leaving what others might consider to be their homes.



Dynchia can be encountered almost anywhere in Charted Space, although they are most common around their home region. Their career structure is similar to that of most other spacefaring races and most careers are available within their home society. Dynchia struggle to fit into a hierarchical command structure based on different values to their own and generally do not join military or highly structured organisations outside their own society. They would be entirely at home in the Imperial Scout Service, aboard a free trader or in a loosely organised mercenary group, however joining an Imperial corporation or similar organisation would mean taking orders from someone whose status is not defined by clan affiliation and performance in the trials. Some Dynchia can make the adjustment but most find the situation uncomfortable or downright incomprehensible. Dynchia lack any real sense of gender specialisation and cannot understand why some societies would define a person by their reproductive capabilities. This causes bafflement more often than friction but Dynchia can get into trouble in highly sexist societies because they genuinely cannot understand why some people are treated differently to others. They do not go around telling others to be less sexist – they cannot understand sexism and thus do not really oppose it as such – but will become genuinely confused and ask questions that may upset members of more differentiated societies. A similar situation exists with racism. Dynchia are perfectly well aware that human members of their society are not the same as the Dynchia but see them as ‘a tribe who joined us and are part of our society’ and cannot understand how physical differences are important – what matters is whether you are part of the Comitia or not. Overall, the Dynchia are rather innocent about matters like racism and sexism, and just plain do not understand them.

All standard careers are available within Dynchia society. DM-2 applies to any Traveller attempting to enlist in the Army – it is small and takes only the very best applicants. Outside the Comitia, Dynchia can join any career with a loose command structure without penalty but suffer DM-2 on enlistment, commission and promotion rolls in highly organised careers; the Army, Navy, Marines or merchant lines larger than a free trader crew.

Dynchia Travellers are quite lightly built and generate STR by rolling 1D+3. Other characteristics are generated as normal with the following modifiers: DEX +1, EDU +1

Dynchia Travellers all possess the following traits.

Mature Technology: A Dynchia with access to a workshop and who has the right skills can modify any device up to TL12 to make it more like the way his own people would
have built it. This is a lengthy process requiring a rebuild and possibly redesign involving few of the original components and will cost 50-150% of the item’s original price. At the end of the process the item will be around 10% better in one area, which might be aesthetic or functional. A g/bike, for example, could be made 10% faster or might gain 10% better acceleration; a weapon might gain 10% more ammunition capacity or the ability to deliver an extra point of damage. Alternatively, it might just look better than a normal item.

Warrior People: All adult Dynchia have passed their trials and are confident of their own abilities. They may lack confidence in those who have not been through similar ordeals and be outright contemptuous of entitled layabouts who expect everything to be just given to them. DM-1 applies to all social interactions with someone of dubious honour or who lacks proven capabilities. In addition, all Dynchia gain one level in Gun Combat or Melee before starting a career.

Careers All standard careers are available within Dynchia society. DM-2 applies to any Traveller attempting to enlist in the Army – it is small and takes only the very best applicants. Outside the Comitia, Dynchia can join any career with a loose command structure without penalty but suffer DM-2 on enlistment, commission and promotion rolls in highly organised careers; the Army, Navy, Marines or merchant lines larger than a free trader crew.

Characteristics Dynchia Travellers are quite lightly built and generate STR by rolling 1D+3. Other characteristics are generated as normal with the following modifiers: DEX +1, EDU +1

Traits Dynchia Travellers all possess the following traits.

Mature Technology: A Dynchia with access to a workshop and who has the right skills can modify any device up to TL12 to make it more like the way his own people would have built it. This is a lengthy process requiring a rebuild and possibly redesign involving few of the original components and will cost 50-150% of the item’s original price. At the end of the process the item will be around 10% better in one area, which might be aesthetic or functional. A g/bike, for example, could be made 10% faster or might gain 10% better acceleration; a weapon might gain 10% more ammunition capacity or the ability to deliver an extra point of damage. Alternatively, it might just look better than a normal item.

Warrior People: All adult Dynchia have passed their trials and are confident of their own abilities. They may lack confidence in those who have not been through similar ordeals and be outright contemptuous of entitled layabouts who expect everything to be just given to them. DM-1 applies to all social interactions with someone of dubious honour or who lacks proven capabilities. In addition, all Dynchia gain one level in Gun Combat or Melee before starting a career.
Naming Dynchia
A Dynchia name follows a simple pattern: ‘xx of yy, called zz,’ where xx is the personal name, yy is the current place of residence and zz is an honorific name, bestowed upon completing the trials.
The tribe of the individual is noted by the ending of the personal name; thus, Astolian is a member of the Lian Tribe, Estravel is of the Avel Tribe and so on. The Twelve Tribes of the Dynchia are: Lian, Avel, Erol, Kirest, Nast, Otir, Kila, Sime, Tros, Rhes, Saro and Dera.


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