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Crestanto Crystal

Crestanto crystal is the material that makes up the crystalline exoskeletons of the Crestanto species. It is formed naturally from their bodies.
Even the weakest Crestanto has crystal five times stronger than a diamond. That's why it's so valuable.
— Granite


Material Characteristics

Crestanto crystal is a solid, opaque crystal that is stronger than diamond. It absorbs both heat and cold easily, keeping Crestantos at a comfortable temperature. Because of its solidity, however, it is not breathable. It is well-known as the strongest material in the galaxy. Nothing except more crystal can damage or cut through it. Crystal strength is measured by krohgan count (KC), which is used by sellers to determine price.   While most Crestano crystal is opaque and colored, there do exist a few genetic disorders that cause changes to it. The most well-known is called Glassimo Syndrome. This disease causes the crystal to be perfectly clear. Younger Crestantos are sometimes picked on because their muscles and organs can be seen through the crystal, but this teasing disappears by the time they are adults and the bullies realize exactly how dangerous this condition is. Clear crystal is the weakest, with an average krohgan count of only 5 million, a third of the usual average. There is another disorder, this one even more rare, that thickens the crystal instead of weakening it.
by Lilliana Casper

Physical & Chemical Properties

Crestanto crystal is formed by a combination of krohgan, bone, and magic. Krohgan is a mineral natural to the Crestanto species. The ratio of krohgan to bone is what determines its strength. A higher krohgan count makes the crystal stronger and a higher bone ratio makes it slightly weaker, although all Crestanto crystal is stronger than diamond. The ratio of krohgan to magic affects the color. It is unknown exactly how it works, since parental krohgan counts only affect strength.
by Lilliana Casper
6 million silver a pound (15 million KC)
Extremely rare
You can't eat this
Every color possible

Trade & Market

Crestanto crystal is incredibly strong. Because of this, it is often sold on the black market for exorbitant prices. Before Crestantos locked themselves off from the world, dealers would enslave and force them to produce crystal to be sold. Even after the Crestantos disappeared from the galaxy, the crystal still in circulation was traded around, with prices rising even higher as time passed. The current listed price for one pound of 15 KC crystal is 6 million silver, although actual prices vary from seller to seller.


This crystal comes from the Crestanto species only. It cannot be easily harvested because nothing can remove it except the Crestanto itself or another Crestanto. Most Crestanto crystal in circulation is from when the Crestantos were enslaved thousands of years ago and forced to grow portions of crystal off of their bodies to be sold.

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Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


Author's Notes

I wanted to add another quote, but it would've messed up the alignment :'( At least I have this done, though.

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Aug 11, 2024 11:16

I like your article about organic crystals and their influence on culture. I would have loved to know more. It's also nice that you included a quote at the beginning. The second one wouldn't have hurt, because quotes or anecdotes would give the article even more credibility.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 13, 2024 04:37 by Lilliana Casper

Thank you for the advice! I'll see about adding more to this article in the next few months. Thank you for reading and liking it!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.