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General Magical Theory Quiz - Week 8: Eternals

There are 18 questions below. All are multiple choice or true/false. Mark down your answers and check them at the end!

Quiz Questions

Eternals can age-shift to any age they wish.
True False
Vampires are descended from which sister:
Sirena Vampira Bansha
Patricia is the daughter of:
Naida Fadilah Felicia Nicole
Which of these types of magic do all Eternals not have?
Kinetic Mental Animalistic Arcane
Before Conri saved her, Tala's curse drained her of her:
Magic Life Blood
The basic definition of an Eternal is a sentient being with magic and an unlimited lifespan.
True False
What is the name of the group of Eternals who guard the edge of our galaxy?
The Night Army The Star Sisters
The Treetop Knights
Which of these buildings is believed to have been built by Eternals?
Jaquean Palace Library of Kersar
Fadilah's Tomb
The "Treetop Knights" are:
Eternals who guard the edge of our galaxy
The forward guard of the dark Celestials
A part of the Army of War
What is the name of the historical general believed to be an Eternal?
Karol Brillo Gregory
What is the main difference between common and turned vampires?
Using blood magic Speed Lifespan
Most Eternals appear between the ages of 21 and 45.
True False
Eternals can be killed, albeit with difficulty.
True False
How many Helpers accompany the Nine?
Nine Eighteen Twelve Twenty-seven
Life magic can only be used by:
Eternals Celestials Neither Both
The Eternal speculated to be on Denironia is called the:
Bonehunter Queen Bonehunter King
Bonehunter Empress
Which of these is not a method used to prove the existence of Eternals?
Myths Landmarks Straight up asking if someone is an Eternal
Likaina the Celestial is often accompanied by this boy in artwork. What name is he often called?
Rivet Tivar Livet River Mivat

Quiz Answer Key

Show Answer Key
Eternals can age-shift to any age they wish.
True False
Eternals can not shift older than their true age.
Vampires are descended from which sister:
Sirena Vampira Bansha
Did the name give it away?
Patricia is the daughter of:
Naida Fadilah Felicia Nicole
Patricia is Felicia's oldest daughter!
Which of these types of magic do all Eternals not have?
Kinetic Mental Animalistic Arcane
While some Eternals have animalistic magic, not all of them do.
Before Conri saved her, Tala's curse drained her of her:
Magic Life Blood
While the curse's last stage drained her life, initially it only drained her magic
The basic definition of an Eternal is a sentient being with magic and an unlimited lifespan.
True False
No, that dog is not an Eternal. Unless it's a shapeshifted Everett, that is.
What is the name of the group of Eternals who guard the edge of our galaxy?
The Night Army The Star Sisters
The Treetop Knights
Please tell me you didn't pick the Treetop Knights.
Which of these buildings is believed to have been built by Eternals?
Jaquean Palace Library of Kersar
Fadilah's Tomb
Yes, right here at the school! Amazing, right?
The "Treetop Knights" are:
Eternals who guard the edge of our galaxy
The forward guard of the dark Celestials
A part of the Army of War
You didn't mix them up with the Star Sisters, right?
What is the name of the historical general believed to be an Eternal?
Karol Brillo Gregory
I just picked a random name for the third option, honestly.
What is the main difference between common and turned vampires?
Using blood magic Speed Lifespan
Yes, vampires technically use blood magic. See me if you have questions.
Most Eternals appear between the ages of 21 and 45.
True False
21-45 appears to be the most stable and beneficial age for Eternals.
Eternals can be killed, albeit with difficulty.
True False
Yes, if you cut off their head, they will die! Stop talking about this in front of the younger classes!
How many Helpers accompany the Nine?
Nine Eighteen Twelve Twenty-seven
Nine guardians, eighteen helpers, twenty-seven in total.
Life magic can only be used by:
Eternals Celestials Neither Both
Not all Eternals and Celestials can use it though!
The Eternal speculated to be on Denironia is called the:
Bonehunter Queen Bonehunter King
Bonehunter Empress
Is she real? Is she not? I don't advise going to Denironia to find out.
Which of these is not a method used to prove the existence of Eternals?
Myths Landmarks Straight up asking if someone is an Eternal.
Even if you did ask me, I probably wouldn't tell you if I was.
Likaina the Celestial is often accompanied by this boy in artwork. What name is he often called?
Rivet Tivar Livet River Mivat
Likaina's friend is usually called either River or Viver.

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Cover image: Professor Yeliah's slides (cropped) by Lilliana Casper


Author's Notes

I struggled so much trying to come up with questions for this quiz, but it's done and I love it. How did everyone do? I hope no one cheated haha.   Yeliah's voice is so fun to write, I can't wait to do Celestials. I have a plan, but it might take a while.

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Jun 11, 2024 00:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Fun quiz! I got fourteen, so I think that Yeliah's lecture did all right at teaching the core concepts for me! :D I loved her comments on the answer key.

Jun 18, 2024 02:46 by Lilliana Casper

Well, 60 is a passing grade, so it looks like you pass! (with 78) I threw in a few confusing ones, haha.

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.