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The End of Time

First written by the Celestial of time, this prophecy is cryptic and confusing, detailing the end of the world as it is known.
Why would you write something like that, Cronus! Haven't we gone through enough? He almost destroyed the world once, now you're telling us we saved it for nothing?
— an unknown Celestial


The prophecy's apocalyptic nature has caused it to spread across the entire galaxy. It is mentioned in hundreds of legends. Eternals and Celestials alike have absorbed it into their stories, with the Celestial War increasing its importance. Since the decades before the Polaris Collapse, however, appreciation for the prophecy has disappeared and much like the rest of mythology associated with Celestials, it has become regarded as fictitious.

In Literature

by Lilliana Casper
This prophecy has famously been excluded from most major collections of prophecies. Other than the original copy, which was lost over time, the only existing versions were written in the Tales of the Celestials and a single forgotten manuscript called Celestial Prophecies. Even the well-known Prophecies of the Diarrah do not include this piece, although that is likely because it was authored not by the Diarrahn Priestesses but by the Celestial of time.
  Although it is not fully written in other legends, the prophecy has been mentioned in many other books. Many Diarrahn prophecies make reference to it, including the famous Prophecy of Nine. It is mentioned multiple times in the Tales of the Celestials and other books, legends, and stories about magic and Eternals.
Date of First Recording
Circa 9000-8000 BPC
Date of Setting

The Prophecy

The world one day shall end
Every planet, every land
All drawn together in
A battle, a last stand
Two sides there shall be
At the end of time
One Army of War and Fear
Led by he who conquers time
The One in Shadows
The ruler of true evil
The Lord of Darkness and Blackrot
While pure hearts stand still
Courage in their eyes and bones
Standing all as one
Celestial armies assembled
The Nine who never run
At the final battle
One victor there will be
Master of the Universe
There for all to see
It's going to happen. But not yet. It's the end of time. Not now.

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Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


Author's Notes

This article would have been done hours earlier if my computer didn't glitch for the second time this week. But I'm very proud I managed to finish this article and the prophecy. I'm now at silver with my prompts!

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Jul 29, 2024 11:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Scary prophecy. Hopefully it doesn't happen for a long long time!

Jul 29, 2024 17:32 by Lilliana Casper

No, not for a long time! Thank you for reading and liking!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.