223 / 03 / 23 - Failed Negotiations

Following the attack by dwarven forces on villages in the north-east of the kingdom a sizeable contingent was dispatched to deal with the situation. Consisting of forces from Shaon and the capital, with additional support from the Order of the Shield, this army was led by General Shieldbreaker. While normally preferring to leave command to his subordinates, the disperate nature of this force necessiated his presence to ensure a clear chain of command.   Mirroring the attacks by the dwarves, General Shieldbreaker sent units out for a simultaneous attack on the occupied villages. Since word had yet to arrive on any response to the messages sent to the Magrannor Halls, each unit was instructed to offer the occupying forces a chance to surrender peacefully.   In sevaral cases the dwarves pretended to try negotiating, but it became clear that this was just a pretence when their messengers were captured while trying to escape to get help from the other occupied villages. With the dwarves unwilling to agree to a peaceful solution General Shieldbreaker gave the order for an all out assault.   Though the efforts to liberate our villages were successful, the dwarves made our forces pay a heavy price. The skill and dedication shown by the dwarven soldiers, as well as their equipment, made it more than clear that this was no rabble of thieves. These were professional soldiers, clearly sworn to lay down their lives for their liege, confirming beyond all doubt that this attack amounted to a declaration of war by those of the Magrannor Halls.   While our casualties and injuries were extremely high, they were kept in check by the efforts of the Seyrian healers and efforts of the Order of the Shield. General Shieldbreaker has confirmed that families of those lost will of course be taken care of by the crown.   The villages themselves are in a poor state after the occupation and fighting, with many buildings broken down by the dwarves so that they couldd make the villages more defensible. Earl Argentiss has promised aid in rebuilding and has committed to stationing more soldiers in the area.
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Cover image: Logo of the FIlishar Times by Tanai Cuinsear


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