223 / 04 / 01 - Magrannor refuses to talk

Earlier this month dwarven forces made a shocking attack on villages in the north-east of the kingdom. These unprecedented attacks were conducted in a coordinated fashion, with the attackers showing a degree of skill that would not be expected from mere bandits. Taking into account the equipment used by the attackers it was clear that these invaders had significant backing.   Relations with Clan Magrannor have been strained for over 40 years ever since the dwarves attempted to steel artefacts from Shaon and then made baseless accusations when their attempt failed. Efforts to improve relations have largely fallen on deaf ears, with the Magrannors only being willing to respond when they wish to increase their demands or claims.   Despite these tensions there has been little overt conflict, so while forces were dispatched to deal with the invaders His Majesty KIng Caspian also sent messengers to the Magrannors seeking an explanation. The Magrannor dwarves responded to the KIng’s messengers by closing their gates and denying the messengers’ entrance to the halls. The dwarves even refused to take the King’s letters. This would have been sufficient to confirm the Magrannors involvement with the invasion, but they reinforced their position by firing bolts at the messengers, seriously wounding one of them.   King Caspian is now considereing an appropriate response to the dwarves’ blatant act of aggression as well as their criminal disregard for the sanctity of messengers, a convention even respected by the elves. According to members of the court an attack on the dwarven lands is unlikely due to the high cost this is likely to inflict on the kingdom’s soldiers and the increasing threat of greenskin raids. However, it may influence the fate of the prisoners from the liberation of the captured villages.
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Cover image: Logo of the FIlishar Times by Tanai Cuinsear


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